weapons.restrictions module

Provides player weapon restriction functionality.

class weapons.restrictions.WeaponRestrictionHandler[source]

Bases: core.AutoUnload

Class used to handle player and team restrictions.


Initialize the instance and add it to the manager.

add_player_restrictions(player, *weapons)[source]

Add the weapons to the player’s restriction set.

  • player (Player) – The player to add the restrictions to.
  • weapons (str) – A weapon or any number of weapons to add as restricted for the player.
add_team_restrictions(team, *weapons)[source]

Add the weapons to the team’s restriction set.

  • team (int) – The team to add the restrictions to. Value can also be a team alias (ie t/ct).
  • weapons (str) – A weapon or any number of weapons to add as restricted for the team.

Remove all team and player restrictions.

is_player_restricted(player, weapon)[source]

Return whether the player is restricted from the weapon.

  • player (Player) – The player to check against restriction.
  • weapon (str) – The name of the weapon to check against restriction.
Return type:


is_team_restricted(team, weapon)[source]

Return whether the team is restricted from the weapon.

  • team (int) – The team to check for restriction. Value can also be a str alias for the team (ie t/ct).
  • weapon (str) – The name of the weapon to check for restriction.
Return type:


on_player_bumping_weapon(player, weapon)[source]

Return whether the player can bump the weapon.

  • player (Player) – The player that is bumping the weapon.
  • weapon (str) – The name of the weapon the player is bumping.
Return type:


static on_player_carrying_restricted_weapon(player, weapon)[source]

Force the player to drop the weapon.

  • player (Player) – The player that is carrying a restricted weapon.
  • weapon (Weapon) – The weapon that the player is carrying and is newly restricted.
on_player_purchasing_weapon(player, weapon)[source]

Return whether the player can purchase the weapon.

  • player (Player) – The player that is purchasing the weapon.
  • weapon (str) – The name of the weapon the player is purchasing.
Return type:


on_player_restriction_added(player, weapon)[source]

Notify the handler if the player is carrying the weapon.

  • player (Player) – The player that just had a restriction added.
  • weapon (str) – The weapon that was just restricted.
on_team_restriction_added(team, weapon)[source]

Notify the handler of each player on the restricted team.

  • team (int) – The team that just had a restriction added.
  • weapon (str) – The weapon that was just restricted.
remove_player_restrictions(player, *weapons)[source]

Remove the weapons from the player’s restriction set.

  • player (Player) – The player to remove the restrictions from.
  • weapons (str) – A weapon or any number of weapons to remove as restricted for the player.
remove_team_restrictions(team, *weapons)[source]

Remove the weapons from the team’s restriction set.

  • team (int) – The team to remove the restrictions from. Value can also be a team alias (ie t/ct).
  • weapons (str) – A weapon or any number of weapons to remove as restricted for the team.

The base instance of the WeaponRestrictionHandler class that is used internally by the players.entity.Player class.


The singleton object of the _WeaponRestrictionManager class.