Source code for effects.templates
# ../effects/
"""Base templates for effect classes."""
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# Source.Python Imports
# Core
from core import GameConfigObj
# Effects
from _effects._base import BaseTempEntity
# Entities
from entities.classes import _supported_property_types
from entities.classes import server_classes
from entities.props import SendPropType
# Memory
from memory import TYPE_SIZES
from memory import get_size
from memory.helpers import Type
from memory.hooks import HookType
from memory.manager import manager
# Paths
from paths import SP_DATA_PATH
# Site-Packages Imports
# ConfigObj
from configobj import Section
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__all__ = ('TempEntityTemplate',
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[docs]class TempEntityTemplate(BaseTempEntity):
"""A temp entity template."""
[docs] def __init__(self, temp_entity):
"""Initialize the instance.
:param BaseTempEntity temp_entity:
The base entity instance to copy the base from.
# Store the size of the temp entity...
self._size = get_size(BaseTempEntity)
# Get the aliases...
self._aliases = GameConfigObj(
SP_DATA_PATH / 'effects' / + '.ini')
# Get a dictionary to store the properties...
self._properties = dict()
# Add the properties to the dictionary...
# Loop through all properties...
for prop in temp_entity.server_class.table:
# Is the current prop a base class?
if != 'baseclass':
# Pass to the next property...
# Add the current table to the properties...
# Get a list to store our hooks...
self._hooks = list()
# Initialize the base class...
super()._copy_base(temp_entity, self.size)
def _add_properties(self, send_table):
"""Parse the given send table and add all properties to the dictionary.
:param SendTable send_table:
The send table instance to parse.
# Loop through all properties...
for name, prop, offset in server_classes._find_properties(send_table):
# Is the current prop an array?
if prop.type == SendPropType.ARRAY:
# Loop through all aliases...
for alias, data in self.aliases.items():
# Is the current alias matching the prop name?
if isinstance(data, Section) and data['name'] == name:
# Set the name of the type...
type_name = data['type']
# Get the size of the array...
size = self._get_type_size(data['type']) * prop.length
# No need to continue looping...
# Was no size retrieved?
# We don't want to add that property...
# Otherwise, is the type supported?
elif prop.type in _supported_property_types:
# Set the name of the type...
type_name = _supported_property_types[
# Get the size of the type...
size = self._get_type_size(type_name)
# Otherwise...
# We don't want to add that property...
# Add the offset to the size...
size += offset
# Is the size larger than our actual stored size?
if size > self.size:
# Update the size...
self._size = size
# Add the property...
self._properties[name] = (prop, offset, type_name)
def _get_type_size(type_name):
"""Helper method returning the size of the given type.
:param str type_name:
The name of the type.
# Is the type native?
if Type.is_native(type_name):
# Return the size of the type...
return TYPE_SIZES[type_name.upper()]
# Otherwise...
# Get the size of the type...
return get_size(manager.get_class(type_name))
# Raise an exception...
raise ValueError('"{}" is not a supported type.'.format(type_name))
[docs] def add_hook(self, callback):
"""Register a hook for this temp entity.
:param function callback:
The callback function to register.
# Is the given callback not callable?
if not callable(callback):
raise TypeError('The given callback is not callable.')
# Is the callback already registered?
if callback in self.hooks:
raise ValueError('The given callback is already registered.')
# Register the hook...
[docs] def remove_hook(self, callback):
"""Unregister a hook for this temp entity.
:param function callback:
The callback function to unregister.
# Raise an exception if the given callback isn't registered...
if callback not in self.hooks:
raise ValueError('The given callback is not registered.')
# Unregister the hook...
[docs] def handle_hook(self, temp_entity, recipient_filter):
"""Call the registered callbacks.
:param TempEntity temp_entity:
The TempEntity instance.
:param RecipientFilter recipient_filter:
The RecipientFilter instance.
:rtype: bool
# Set the default return value to None...
return_value = None
# Loop through all registered hooks for this temp entity...
for callback in self.hooks:
# Call the callback and store the value it returned...
returned_value = callback(temp_entity, recipient_filter)
# Did the callback return anything?
if returned_value is not None:
# Yes, so override the return value...
return_value = returned_value
# Return the return value...
return return_value
def aliases(self):
"""Return the aliases of the temp entity.
:rtype: GameConfigObj
return self._aliases
def hooks(self):
"""Return the registered hooks for this temp entity.
:rtype: dict
return self._hooks
def properties(self):
"""Return the properties data of the temp entity.
:rtype: dict
return self._properties
def size(self):
"""Return the size of the temp entity instance.
:rtype: int
return self._size
[docs]class TempEntityTemplates(dict):
"""Container class used to store the temp entity templates instances."""
def __missing__(self, temp_entity_name):
"""Called when a temp entity template is requested but missing.
:param str temp_entity_name:
The name of the temp entity template requested.
:raise NameError:
Raised if the given name is not a valid temp entity name.
# Import this here to fix a cyclic import
from effects import _first_temp_entity
# Get the first temp entity in the chain...
temp_entity = _first_temp_entity
# Loop as long as we have a valid instance...
while temp_entity:
# Are the names matching?
if == temp_entity_name:
# No need to continue searching...
# Pass to the next temp entity in the chain...
temp_entity =
# Did we reach the last temp entity in the chain?
if temp_entity is None:
# If so, raise an exception....
raise NameError('"{}" is not a valid temp entity name.'.format(
# Get the temp entity template...
temp_entity_template = self[temp_entity_name] = TempEntityTemplate(
# Return the temp entity template...
return temp_entity_template
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# Get a dictionary to store the temp entity templates...
temp_entity_templates = TempEntityTemplates()