Source code for effects

# ../effects/

"""Provides access to all effects within the engine."""

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# Source.Python Imports
#   Effects
from effects.base import TempEntity
#   Mathlib
from mathlib import Vector
#   Memory
from memory.manager import manager
#   Entities
from entities.entity import BaseEntity
from entities.entity import Entity

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# Source.Python Imports
#   Effects
from _effects import ShatterSurface
from _effects import BloodColor

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__all__ = ('BloodColor',

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# Get the first temp entity in the chain...
    from _effects._base import _first_temp_entity
except ImportError:
    _first_temp_entity = manager.get_global_pointer('BaseTempEntity')

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[docs]def beam(recipients, start, end, parent=False, **kwargs): """A simple wrapper for the temporary effect ``BeamEntPoint``. :param RecipientFilter recipients: Players that should see the beam. :param int/BaseEntity/Vector start: The start location of the beam. :param int/BaseEntity/Vector end: The end location of the beam. :param bool parent: If True, the beam will be parented to the given entities. :param kwargs: Additional attributes that will be send to the effect. """ _entity = kwargs.pop('_entity', None) if _entity is None: entity = TempEntity('BeamEntPoint') for attr, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(entity, attr, value) else: entity = _entity def get_vec(value): if isinstance(value, int): return Entity(value).origin elif isinstance(value, BaseEntity): return Entity(value.index).origin else: return value if parent: if isinstance(start, int): entity.start_entity_index = start elif isinstance(start, BaseEntity): entity.start_entity_index = start.index else: entity.start_point = start else: entity.start_point = get_vec(start) if parent: if isinstance(end, int): entity.end_entity_index = end elif isinstance(end, BaseEntity): entity.end_entity_index = end.index else: entity.end_point = end else: entity.end_point = get_vec(end) for attr, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(entity, attr, value) entity.create(recipients)
[docs]def polygon(recipients, points, parent=False, **kwargs): """Create a polygon using :func:`beam`. :param RecipientFilter recipients: Players that should see the beam. :param iterable points: An iterable that contains at least 3 :class:`mathlib.Vector` instances. :param bool parent: If True, the beam will be parented to the given entities. :param kwargs: Additional attributes that will be send to the effect. """ if len(points) < 3: raise ValueError('At least 3 points are required.') start = points[0] points = dict(enumerate(points)) entity = TempEntity('BeamEntPoint') for attr, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(entity, attr, value) for index, point in points.items(): beam( recipients, point, points.get(index + 1, start), parent, _entity=entity, **kwargs)
[docs]def square(recipients, start, end, **kwargs): """Create a square using the temporary effect ``BeamPoints``. :param RecipientFilter recipients: Players that should see the beam. :param Vector start: Upper left corner of the square. :param Vector end: Lower right corner of the square. :param kwargs: Additional attributes that will be send to the effect. """ x1, y1, z1 = start x2, y2, z2 = end a = start b = Vector(x2, y2, z1) c = Vector(x1, y1, z2) d = end lines = ( (a, b), (b, d), (d, c), (c, a), ) entity = TempEntity('BeamPoints') for attr, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(entity, attr, value) for p1, p2 in lines: entity.start_point = p1 entity.end_point = p2 entity.create(recipients)
[docs]def box(recipients, start, end, **kwargs): """Create a box using the temporary effect ``BeamPoints``. :param RecipientFilter recipients: Players that should see the beam. :param Vector start: Upper left corner of the box. :param Vector end: Lower right corner of the box. :param kwargs: Additional attributes that will be send to the effect. """ x1, y1, z1 = start x2, y2, z2 = end a = start b = Vector(x2, y1, z1) c = Vector(x2, y1, z2) d = Vector(x1, y1, z2) e = Vector(x1, y2, z1) f = Vector(x2, y2, z1) h = Vector(x1, y2, z2) g = end lines = ( # First square (a, b), (b, c), (c, d), (d, a), # Second square (e, f), (f, g), (g, h), (h, e), # Connection between both squares (a, e), (b, f), (c, g), (d, h) ) entity = TempEntity('BeamPoints') for attr, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(entity, attr, value) for p1, p2 in lines: entity.start_point = p1 entity.end_point = p2 entity.create(recipients)
[docs]def ball(recipients, center, radius, steps=15, upper_half=True, lower_half=True, **kwargs): """Create a ball by using the remporary effect ``BeamRingPoint``. :param RecipientFilter recipients: Players that should see the beam. :param Vector center: The center location of the ball. :param float radius: The radius of the ball. :param int steps: Number of rings that should be used to create the ball. :param bool upper_half: If False, the upper half of the ball isn't created. :param bool lower_half: If False, the lower half of the ball isn't created. .. note:: The number of steps is used for the lower and upper half. So, if you define 15 steps, 29 rings are created (the center ring is shared by both halves). """ # Make sure that at least one argument is True assert not (upper_half == lower_half == False) entity = TempEntity('BeamRingPoint') for attr, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(entity, attr, value) step = float(radius) / steps for x in range(steps): dist = step * x org = Vector(*center) org.z += dist rad = 2 * radius * (1 - (float(x) / steps) ** 2) ** 0.5 if upper_half: = org entity.start_radius = rad entity.end_radius = rad - 0.1 entity.create(recipients) if x and lower_half: org.z -= 2 * dist = org entity.start_radius = rad entity.end_radius = rad - 0.1 entity.create(recipients)