Source code for effects.base

# ../effects/

"""Provides base effect classes."""

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Source.Python Imports
#   Colors
from colors import Color
#   Effects
from effects.templates import temp_entity_templates
#   Engines
from engines.precache import Decal
from engines.precache import Model
#   Entities
from entities.classes import _supported_property_types
from entities.entity import Entity
from entities.props import SendPropType
#   Filters
from filters.recipients import RecipientFilter
#   Memory
from memory import get_object_pointer
from memory import get_size
from memory import make_object
from memory import Pointer
from memory.helpers import Array
from memory.helpers import Type
from memory.manager import manager
#   Players
from players.entity import Player
#   String Tables
from stringtables import string_tables

# Site-Packages Imports
#   ConfigObj
from configobj import Section

# =============================================================================
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# Source.Python Imports
#   Effects
from _effects._base import BaseTempEntity

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__all__ = ('BaseTempEntity',

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[docs]class TempEntity(BaseTempEntity): """Class used to interact with a specific temp entity."""
[docs] def __init__(self, temp_entity, **aliases): """Initialize the temp entity instance. :param str/Pointer temp_entity: The name of the temp entity to initialize or the pointer to wrap. :param aliases: Any alias to set on initialization. """ # Is the given name a Pointer instance? if isinstance(temp_entity, Pointer): # Wrap the given pointer... super()._wrap_ptr(temp_entity) # Otherwise... else: # Get the template of the temp entity... template = temp_entity_templates[temp_entity] # Initialize the temp entity... super()._copy_base(template, template.size) # Loop through all given aliases... for alias, value in aliases.items(): # Set the alias to the given value... setattr(self, alias, value)
@classmethod def _obj(cls, ptr): """Wrap the given pointer. :param Pointer ptr: The pointer to wrap. """ return cls(ptr) @property def _size(self): """Return the size of the temp entity. :rtype: int """ return self.template.size def __getattr__(self, name): """Return the value of the given alias. :param str name: The alias name. :rtype: object """ # Get the name of the prop... prop_name = self.template.aliases.get(name, None) # Was the given name a valid alias? if prop_name is not None: # Is the name a section? if isinstance(prop_name, Section): # Is the alias a decal? if prop_name['type'] == Decal.__name__: # Return the decal instance... return Decal(string_tables[Decal.precache_table][ getattr(self, prop_name['name'])]) # Otherwise, is the alias an entity? elif prop_name['type'] == Entity.__name__: # Return the entity instance... return Entity(getattr(self, prop_name['name'])) # Otherwise, is the alias a player? elif prop_name['type'] == Player.__name__: # Return the player instance... return Player(getattr(self, prop_name['name'])) # Otherwise, is the alias a model? elif prop_name['type'] == Model.__name__: # Get the name of the model... model_name = string_tables[Model.precache_table][ getattr(self, prop_name['name'])] # Was the model not precached? if not model_name: # Return an error model... return Model('models/error.mdl') # Return the model instance... return Model(model_name) # Otherwise, is the alias a color? elif prop_name['type'] == Color.__name__: # Get a tuple to store the RGBA values... values = tuple() # Loop through all aliases... for alias in prop_name['name']: # Add the current value to the tuple... values += (getattr(self, alias),) # Return the color instance... return Color(*values) # Otherwise... else: # Get the data of the property... prop, offset, type_name =[ prop_name['name']] # Return the value of the property... return make_object( manager.get_class(prop_name['type']), get_object_pointer(self) + offset) # Get the data of the property... prop, offset, type_name =[prop_name] # Return the value of the property... return self._get_property(prop_name, prop.type) # Return the value of the given attribute... return super().__getattribute__(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): """Set the value of the given alias. :param str name: The alias name. :param object value: The value to set. """ # Get the name of the prop... prop_name = self.template.aliases.get(name, None) # Was the given name a valid alias? if prop_name is not None: # Is the name a section? if isinstance(prop_name, Section): # Is the alias a decal? if prop_name['type'] == Decal.__name__: # Is the given value an invalid decal instance? if not isinstance(value, Decal): # Raise an exception... raise ValueError( '"{}" is not a valid Decal instance.'.format( value)) # Set the model index... setattr(self, prop_name['name'], value.index) # Is the alias an entity? elif prop_name['type'] == Entity.__name__: # Is the given value an invalid entity instance? if not isinstance(value, Entity): # Raise an exception... raise ValueError( '"{}" is not a valid Entity instance.'.format( value)) # Set the alias value... setattr(self, prop_name['name'], value.index) # Otherwise, is the alias a player? elif prop_name['type'] == Player.__name__: # Set the player instance... setattr(self, prop_name['name'], value.index) # Otherwise, is the alias a model? elif prop_name['type'] == Model.__name__: # Is the given value an invalid model instance? if not isinstance(value, Model): # Raise an exception... raise ValueError( '"{}" is not a valid Model instance.'.format( value)) # Set the model index... setattr(self, prop_name['name'], value.index) # Otherwise, is the alias a color? elif prop_name['type'] == Color.__name__: # Is the given value an invalid color instance? if not isinstance(value, Color): # Raise an exception... raise ValueError( '"{}" is not a valid Color instance.'.format( value)) # Loop through all aliases... for index, alias in enumerate(prop_name['name']): # Set the current alias... setattr(self, alias, value[index]) # Otherwise... else: # Get the data of the property... prop, offset, type_name =[ prop_name['name']] # Get the class of the type... cls = manager.get_class(prop_name['type']) # Is the given value not valid? if not isinstance(value, cls): # Raise an exception... raise TypeError( 'The given value is not of type "{}".'.format( type_name)) # Set the value of the property... get_object_pointer(value).copy( get_object_pointer(self) + offset, self.template._get_type_size(prop_name['type'])) # No need to go further... return # Get the data of the property... prop, offset, type_name =[prop_name] # Set the value of the property... self._set_property(prop_name, prop.type, value) # No need to go further... return # Set the value of the given attribute... super().__setattr__(name, value) def __dir__(self): """Return an alphabetized list of attributes for the instance.""" # Get the base attributes attributes = set(super().__dir__()) # Add all aliases to the attributes attributes.update(set(self.template.aliases)) # Return a sorted list of attributes return sorted(attributes) def _get_property(self, prop_name, prop_type): """Return the value of the given property name. :param str prop_name: The name of the property. :param SendPropType prop_type: The type of the property. """ # Is the given property not valid? if prop_name not in # Raise an exception... raise NameError( '"{}" is not a valid property for temp entity "{}".'.format( prop_name, # Get the property data... prop, offset, type_name =[prop_name] # Are the prop types matching? if prop.type != prop_type: # Raise an exception... raise TypeError('"{}" is not of type "{}".'.format( prop_name, prop_type)) # Is the property an array? if prop_type == SendPropType.ARRAY: # Return an array instance... return Array(manager, False, type_name, get_object_pointer( self) + offset, prop.length) # Is the given type not supported? if prop_type not in _supported_property_types: # Raise an exception... raise TypeError('"{}" is not supported.'.format(prop_type)) # Is the type native? if Type.is_native(type_name): # Return the value... return getattr( get_object_pointer(self), 'get_' + type_name)(offset) # Otherwise else: # Make the object and return it... return make_object( manager.get_class(type_name), get_object_pointer(self) + offset) # Raise an exception... raise ValueError('Unable to get the value of "{}".'.format(prop_name))
[docs] def get_property_array(self, prop_name): """Return the value of the given property as an Array instance. :param str prop_name: The name of the property. :rtype: Array """ return self._get_property(prop_name, SendPropType.ARRAY)
[docs] def get_property_bool(self, prop_name): """Return the value of the given property as a boolean. :param str prop_name: The name of the property. :rtype: bool """ return bool(self._get_property(prop_name, SendPropType.INT))
[docs] def get_property_float(self, prop_name): """Return the value of the given property as a float. :param str prop_name: The name of the property. :rtype: float """ return self._get_property(prop_name, SendPropType.FLOAT)
[docs] def get_property_int(self, prop_name): """Return the value of the given property as an integer. :param str prop_name: The name of the property. :rtype: int """ return self._get_property(prop_name, SendPropType.INT)
[docs] def get_property_string(self, prop_name): """Return the value of the given property as a string. :param str prop_name: The name of the property. :rtype: str """ return self._get_property(prop_name, SendPropType.STRING)
[docs] def get_property_vector(self, prop_name): """Return the value of the given property as a string. :param str prop_name: The name of the property. :rtype: Vector """ return self._get_property(prop_name, SendPropType.VECTOR)
def _set_property(self, prop_name, prop_type, value): """Set the given property to the given value. :param str prop_name: The name of the property. :param SendPropType prop_type: The type of the property. :param value object: To value to set to the given property. """ # Is the given property not valid? if prop_name not in # Raise an exception... raise NameError( '"{}" is not a valid property for temp entity "{}".'.format( prop_name, # Get the property data... prop, offset, type_name =[prop_name] # Are the prop types matching? if prop.type != prop_type: # Raise an exception... raise TypeError('"{}" is not of type "{}".'.format( prop_name, prop_type)) # Is the property an array? if prop_type == SendPropType.ARRAY: # Is the given value not an Array instance? if not isinstance(value, Array): # Raise an exception... raise TypeError('Given value is not an Array instance.') # Is the length not matching? if value._length != prop.length: # Raise an exception... raise ValueError('Given array is not of length "{}".'.format( prop.length)) # Copy the values... value.copy(get_object_pointer(self), self._get_type_size( type_name) * prop.length) # No need to go further... return # Otherwise, is the type native? elif Type.is_native(type_name): # Set the value of the property... getattr(get_object_pointer(self), 'set_{}'.format(type_name))( value, offset) # No need to go further... return # Otherwise... else: # Get the class... cls = manager.get_class(type_name) # Is the given value valid? if not isinstance(value, cls): # Raise an exception... raise TypeError('"{}" is not a valid "{}" value.'.format( value, type_name)) # Set the value of the property... get_object_pointer(value).copy( get_object_pointer(self) + offset, get_size(cls)) # No need to go further... return # Raise an exception... raise NameError('Unable to set "{}" for the temp entity "{}".'.format( prop_name,
[docs] def set_property_array(self, prop_name, value): """Set the value of the given property as an Array instance. :param str prop_name: The name of the property. :param Array value: The value to set. """ self._set_property(prop_name, SendPropType.ARRAY, value)
[docs] def set_property_bool(self, prop_name, value): """Set the value of the given property as a boolean. :param str prop_name: The name of the property. :param bool value: The value to set. """ self._set_property(prop_name, SendPropType.INT, int(value))
[docs] def set_property_float(self, prop_name, value): """Set the value of the given property as a float. :param str prop_name: The name of the property. :param float value: The value to set. """ self._set_property(prop_name, SendPropType.FLOAT, value)
[docs] def set_property_int(self, prop_name, value): """Set the value of the given property as an integer. :param str prop_name: The name of the property. :param int value: The value to set. """ self._set_property(prop_name, SendPropType.INT, value)
[docs] def set_property_string(self, prop_name, value): """Set the value of the given property as a string. :param str prop_name: The name of the property. :param str value: The value to set. """ self._set_property(prop_name, SendPropType.STRING, value)
[docs] def set_property_vector(self, prop_name, value): """Set the value of the given property as a string. :param str prop_name: The name of the property. :param Vector value: The value to set. """ self._set_property(prop_name, SendPropType.VECTOR, value)
[docs] def create(self, *recipients, delay=0.0, **aliases): """Create the temp entity effect. :param RecipientFilter recipients: The recipient filter listing the players to send the effect to. :param float delay: The delay before creating the effect. :param dict aliases: Any aliases to set before creating the temp entity effect. """ # Get a recipient filter matching the given players... recipients = RecipientFilter(*recipients) # Loop trhough all given aliases... for alias, value in aliases.items(): # Set the alias to the given value... setattr(self, alias, value) # Create the temp entity effect... super().create(recipients, delay)
@property def template(self): """Return the template of the temp entity. :rtype: TempEntityTemplate """ return temp_entity_templates[]