Source code for core.update

# ../core/

"""Provides functions to update Source.Python and its data files."""

# =============================================================================
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# Python Imports
import json
import time

from zipfile import ZipFile
from urllib.request import urlopen

# Source.Python Imports
#   Core
from core import PLATFORM
from core import SOURCE_ENGINE_BRANCH
from core.logger import core_logger
#   Paths
from paths import ADDONS_PATH
from paths import GAME_PATH
from paths import UPDATE_PATH
from paths import UPDATE_DATA_PATH
from paths import UPDATE_SP_DATA_PATH
from paths import DATA_PATH
from paths import SP_DATA_PATH
#   KeyValues
from keyvalues import KeyValues

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__all__ = (

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# Don't use __getattr__ here. 'update' is a method of the _LogInstance class.
update_logger = core_logger['update']

BINARY_EXT = 'so' if PLATFORM == 'linux' else 'dll'

SP_VDF1 = 'addons/source-python'
SP_VDF2 = 'addons/source-python2'

VDF_FILE = ADDONS_PATH / 'source-python.vdf'
LOADER_UPDATE_FILE = UPDATE_PATH / 'addons' / f'source-python.{BINARY_EXT}'
VDF_UPDATE_FILE = UPDATE_PATH / 'addons' / 'source-python.vdf'

CHECKSUM_URL = f'{BASE_DATA_URL}/checksum.txt'



#: Indicates, whether an update is in progress (stage 1 has been applied).
update_in_progress = False

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[docs]def download_file(url_path, file_path, timeout=3): """Download a file from an URL to a specific file. :param str url_path: The URL that should be opened. :param str file_path: The file where the content of the URL should be stored. :param float timeout: Number of seconds that need to pass until a timeout occurs. """ update_logger.log_debug(f'Downloading file ({url_path}) to {file_path} ...') now = time.time() with urlopen(url_path, timeout=timeout) as url: data = with'wb') as f: f.write(data) update_logger.log_info( 'File has been downloaded. Time elapsed: {:0.2f} seconds'.format( time.time()-now))
# ============================================================================= # >> FULL SP UPDATE # ============================================================================= def do_full_update(timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Starts a full update of Source.Python. A restart of the server and possibly manual work is required. Please see the Source.Python log for the instructions. :param float timeout: Number of seconds that need to pass until a timeout occurs. """ global update_in_progress if update_in_progress: update_logger.log_message( 'An update is already in progress. Please follow the instructions ' 'in the log.') return # Make sure there is a clean update directory _clean_update_dir() try: _download_latest_version(timeout) _apply_update_stage1() update_in_progress = True except: # Make sure to leave a clean update directory, so the loader doesn't # get confused. _clean_update_dir() raise
[docs]def get_build_artifacts(timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Return the artifacts of the latest Source.Python build. :param float timeout: Number of seconds that need to pass until a timeout occurs. """ update_logger.log_debug('Getting artifacts...') with urlopen(ARTIFACTS_URL, timeout=timeout) as url: return'utf-8').split('\n')
[docs]def get_download_url(game=SOURCE_ENGINE_BRANCH, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Get the latest Source.Python download URL for a specific game. :param str game: The game game to look for (e.g. ``css``). :param float timeout: Number of seconds that need to pass until a timeout occurs. :rtype: str :raise ValueError: Raised if the game wasn't found. """ for relative_path in get_build_artifacts(timeout): if f'-{game}-' in relative_path: return f'{BASE_DOWNLOAD_URL}/{relative_path}' raise ValueError(f'Unable to find a download URL for game "{game}".')
def _clean_update_dir(): """Clear or create the update directory.""" if UPDATE_PATH.exists(): for f in UPDATE_PATH.listdir(): if f.isfile(): f.remove() else: f.rmtree() else: UPDATE_PATH.mkdir() def _download_latest_version(timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Download the latest Source.Python version. :param float timeout: Number of seconds that need to pass until a timeout occurs. """ download_file(get_download_url(), UPDATE_ZIP_FILE, timeout) def _apply_update_stage1(): """Apply stage 1 of the version update.""" update_logger.log_message('Applying Source.Python update stage 1...') # Extract all files to the update directory with ZipFile(UPDATE_ZIP_FILE) as zip: zip.extractall(UPDATE_PATH) UPDATE_ZIP_FILE.remove() VDF_UPDATE_FILE.remove() if PLATFORM == 'windows': _apply_update_stage1_windows() else: _apply_update_stage1_linux() # Apply latest data update if not DATA_ZIP_FILE.isfile(): return update_logger.log_debug('Applying latest data update...') if UPDATE_SP_DATA_PATH.isdir(): update_logger.log_debug(f'Removing {UPDATE_SP_DATA_PATH} ...') UPDATE_SP_DATA_PATH.rmtree() _unpack_data(UPDATE_DATA_PATH) def _apply_update_stage1_windows(): """Apply the Windows specific part of stage 1. On Windows files that are currently in use (``source-python.dll``) can't be replaced. Thus, this function checks if ``source-python.vdf`` exists. If it does, the new ``source-python.dll`` is copied to the addons directory with a new name (``source-python2.dll``). After that the VDF entry is modified to point to the new loader. If ``source-python.vdf`` does not exist, manual action is required. """ if not VDF_FILE.isfile(): update_logger.log_message( f'Stage 1 has been applied. Please shutdown your server and move ' f'(do not copy) {LOADER_UPDATE_FILE} to {LOADER_FILE}. After that ' f'start your server to apply stage 2.') else: update_logger.log_debug('Determining current VDF entry...') kv = KeyValues.from_file(VDF_FILE) # Get the current and new entry for the VDF file current_entry = kv.get_string('file') if current_entry == SP_VDF2: new_entry = SP_VDF1 elif current_entry == SP_VDF1: new_entry = SP_VDF2 else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected entry in VDF: {current_entry}') update_logger.log_debug(f'Current VDF entry: {current_entry}') update_logger.log_debug(f'New VDF entry: {new_entry}') update_logger.log_debug('Moving new loader binary to game directory...') LOADER_UPDATE_FILE.move(GAME_PATH / f'{new_entry}.{BINARY_EXT}') kv.set_string('file', new_entry) kv.save_to_file(VDF_FILE) update_logger.log_message( 'Stage 1 has been applied. Restart your server to apply stage 2.') def _apply_update_stage1_linux(): """Apply the Linux specific part of stage 1.""" update_logger.log_debug('Moving new loader binary to game directory...') LOADER_UPDATE_FILE.move(LOADER_FILE) update_logger.log_message( 'Stage 1 has been applied. Restart your server to apply stage 2.') # ============================================================================= # >> SP DATA UPDATE # =============================================================================
[docs]def update_data(timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Download and unpack the latest data from the build server. Old data gets deleted before unpacking. :param float timeout: Number of seconds that need to pass until a timeout occurs. """ _download_latest_data(timeout) if SP_DATA_PATH.isdir(): update_logger.log_debug('Removing {} ...'.format(SP_DATA_PATH)) SP_DATA_PATH.rmtree() _unpack_data(DATA_PATH)
[docs]def is_new_data_available(timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Return ``True`` if new data is available. :param float timeout: Number of seconds that need to pass until a timeout occurs. :rtype: bool """ if not DATA_ZIP_FILE.isfile(): return True return DATA_ZIP_FILE.read_hexhash('md5') != get_latest_data_checksum(timeout)
[docs]def get_latest_data_checksum(timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Return the MD5 checksum of the latest data from the build server. :param float timeout: Number of seconds that need to pass until a timeout occurs. :rtype: str """ with urlopen(CHECKSUM_URL, timeout=timeout) as url: return
def _download_latest_data(timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Download the latest data from the build server. :param float timeout: Number of seconds that need to pass until a timeout occurs. """ download_file(DATA_URL, DATA_ZIP_FILE, timeout) def _unpack_data(path): """Unpack ```` into the given path. :param Path path: The path the data file should be unpacked into. """ update_logger.log_debug(f'Extracting data in {path} ...') with ZipFile(DATA_ZIP_FILE) as zip: zip.extractall(path)