Source code for core.table

# ../core/

"""Provides an object oriented way to print out tables."""

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# Python Imports
#   Enum
from enum import Enum
#   Itertools
from itertools import zip_longest

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__all__ = ('Alignment',

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[docs]class Alignment(Enum): """Contains constants to specify the aligment of table items.""" LEFT = str.ljust RIGHT = str.rjust CENTER =
[docs]class Column(list): """Represents a column of a table."""
[docs] def __init__( self, name, alignment=Alignment.CENTER, left_padding=2, right_padding=2): """Intialize the column. :param str name: Name of the column. :param int alignment: The alignment of the column name. :param int left_padding: Number of spaces for left padding. :param int right_padding: Number of spaces for right padding. """ super().__init__() = Item(name, alignment) self.left_padding = left_padding self.right_padding = right_padding
def _get_max_padding(self): """Return the length of the longest item in the column. The name of the column is used to determine the length, as well. """ length = len( if not self: return length return max(len(max(self, key=len)), length) def _format(self): """Return the name of the column and all items of the column. All items (including the name) will be formatted properly before being returned. """ padding = self._get_max_padding() return ( padding, self.left_padding, self.right_padding), tuple( item._format(padding, self.left_padding, self.right_padding) for item in self))
[docs]class Item(object): """Represents a value/item of a column."""
[docs] def __init__(self, value, alignment=Alignment.LEFT): """Initialize the item. :param value: The value this item should have. :param int aligment: The aligment of the item in the table. """ self.value = str(value) self.alignment = alignment
def __len__(self): """Return the length of the value.""" return len(self.value) def _format(self, padding, left_padding, right_padding): """Format the item. :param int padding: The length of the longest item in the column. :param int left_padding: A number that defines how many spaces should be added to the left of the item. :param int right_padding: A number that defines how many spaces should be added to the right of the item. """ return '{0}{1}{2}'.format( ' ' * left_padding, self.alignment(self.value, padding), ' ' * right_padding)
[docs]class AsciiTable(object): """Represents a table."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *columns): """Add the given objects as columns to the table. If a given column is not a Column object, it will be created. """ if len(columns) == 0: raise ValueError('Table must have at least one column.') self._columns = [] for column in columns: if not isinstance(column, Column): column = Column(column) self._columns.append(column)
def __len__(self): """Return the number of columns.""" return len(self._columns) def __iter__(self): """Return an iterator for all columns.""" return iter(self._columns) def __getitem__(self, index): """Return the column at the given index.""" return self._columns[index]
[docs] def add_row(self, *items): """Append the given items to the table's columns.""" if len(items) != len(self): raise ValueError( 'You must add exactly the same number of items' + ' like the number of columns.') for index, item in enumerate(items): if not isinstance(item, Item): item = Item(item) self[index].append(item)
[docs] def format(self, header_separator='=', column_separator='|'): """Format the table and returns an ASCII table string. :param str header_separator: A single character that defines the character that should be used to create the horizontal separator. :param str column_separator: A single character that defines the character that should be used to create the vertical separators. """ if not isinstance(header_separator, str) or len(header_separator) != 1: raise ValueError('Header separator must be a single character.') columns = [] rows = [] for column in self: column, row = column._format() columns.append(column) rows.append(row) header = column_separator.join(columns) return '{0}\n{1}\n{2}'.format( header, header_separator * len(header), '\n'.join(column_separator.join(row) for row in zip_longest( *rows, fillvalue='')))