Source code for core.command

# ../core/command/

"""Registers the "sp" server command and all of its sub-commands."""

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Python Imports
#   Datetime
from datetime import datetime
#   Platform
import platform

# Site-Package Imports
#   Configobj
from configobj import ConfigObj

# Source.Python Imports
#   Commands
from commands.typed import TypedServerCommand
#   Core
from core import create_checksum
from core import SOURCE_ENGINE_BRANCH
from core.logger import core_logger
from core.update import do_full_update
from core.version import get_last_successful_build_number
from core.version import is_unversioned
from core.version import VERSION
from core.version import GIT_COMMIT
#   Engines
from engines.server import execute_server_command
from engines.server import queue_command_string
#   Paths
from paths import SP_DATA_PATH
#   Plugins
from plugins import _plugin_strings
from plugins.command import SubCommandManager
from plugins.manager import plugin_manager
from plugins.manager import server_plugin_manager
#   Tick
from listeners.tick import Delay

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
__all__ = ('CoreCommandManager',

# =============================================================================
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# Get the sp.core.command logger
core_command_logger = core_logger.command

# =============================================================================
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[docs]class CoreCommandManager(SubCommandManager): """Class used for executing "sp" sub-command functionality."""
[docs] def print_credits(self): """List all credits for Source.Python.""" # Get header messages message = _plugin_strings[ 'Credits'].get_string() + '\n' + '=' * 61 + '\n\n' # Get the credits information groups = ConfigObj( SP_DATA_PATH / 'credits.ini', encoding='unicode_escape') # Loop through all groups in the credits for group in groups: # Add the current group's name message += '\t' + group + ':\n' # Loop through all names in the current group for name in groups[group]: # Add the current name message += '\t\t' + name + ' ' * ( 20 - len(name)) + groups[group][name] + '\n' # Add 1 blank line between groups message += '\n' # Print the message self.log_message(message + '=' * 61 + '\n\n')
core_command = CoreCommandManager( plugin_manager, 'sp', logger=core_command_logger) # ============================================================================= # >> sp # ============================================================================= @core_command.server_sub_command(['delay']) def _sp_delay(command_info, delay:float, command, *args): """Execute a command after a given delay.""" Delay(delay, queue_command_string, (command + ' ' + ' '.join(args), )) @core_command.server_sub_command(['credits']) def _sp_credits(command_info): """List all credits for Source.Python.""" core_command.print_credits() @core_command.server_sub_command(['help']) def _sp_help(command_info, command=None, *server_sub_commands): """Print all sp sub-commands or help for a specific command.""" if command is None: execute_server_command('sp') return commands = (command,) + server_sub_commands try: node = TypedServerCommand.parser.get_node(commands) except ValueError: core_command_logger.log_message( 'Command "{}" does not exist.'.format(' '.join(commands))) return core_command_logger.log_message(node.signature) if node.description is not None: core_command_logger.log_message(' ' + node.description) @core_command.server_sub_command(['info']) def print_info(info): """Print information about OS, SP and installed plugins.""" result = '\nDate : {}'.format(datetime.utcnow()) result += '\nOS : {}'.format(platform.platform()) result += '\nGame : {}'.format(SOURCE_ENGINE_BRANCH) result += '\nSP version : {}'.format(VERSION) result += '\nGithub commit : {}'.format(GIT_COMMIT) result += '\nServer plugins:' for index, plugin in enumerate(server_plugin_manager.loaded_plugins): result += '\n {:02d}: {}'.format(index, result += '\nSP plugins:' for index, plugin in enumerate(plugin_manager.loaded_plugins): result += '\n {:02d}: {}'.format(index, info = if info.version != 'unversioned': result += ', {}'.format(info.version) if info.url is not None: result += ', {}'.format(info.url) # Create a checksum for all the the essential information (from 'Date' to # the last SP plugin) checksum = create_checksum(result) sep = '-' * 56 core_command_logger.log_message( f'\nIMPORTANT: Please copy the full output.\n{sep}\n' f'Checksum : {checksum}{result}\n{sep}\n') @core_command.server_sub_command(['update']) def update_sp(info): """Update Source.Python to the latest version. A restart of the server is required. """ if not is_unversioned() and VERSION >= get_last_successful_build_number(): core_command_logger.log_message('No new version available.') return do_full_update() # ============================================================================= # >> DESCRIPTION # ============================================================================= TypedServerCommand.parser.set_node_description( 'sp', 'Source.Python main command.')