keyvalues module

Provides access to interact with KeyValues objects.

class keyvalues.KeyValueType

Bases: Boost.Python.enum

COLOR = _keyvalues.KeyValueType.COLOR
FLOAT = _keyvalues.KeyValueType.FLOAT
INT = _keyvalues.KeyValueType.INT
NONE = _keyvalues.KeyValueType.NONE
NUM_TYPES = _keyvalues.KeyValueType.NUM_TYPES
PTR = _keyvalues.KeyValueType.PTR
STRING = _keyvalues.KeyValueType.STRING
UNINT64 = _keyvalues.KeyValueType.UNINT64
WSTRING = _keyvalues.KeyValueType.WSTRING
names = {'NONE': _keyvalues.KeyValueType.NONE, 'STRING': _keyvalues.KeyValueType.STRING, 'INT': _keyvalues.KeyValueType.INT, 'FLOAT': _keyvalues.KeyValueType.FLOAT, 'PTR': _keyvalues.KeyValueType.PTR, 'WSTRING': _keyvalues.KeyValueType.WSTRING, 'COLOR': _keyvalues.KeyValueType.COLOR, 'UNINT64': _keyvalues.KeyValueType.UNINT64, 'NUM_TYPES': _keyvalues.KeyValueType.NUM_TYPES}
values = {0: _keyvalues.KeyValueType.NONE, 1: _keyvalues.KeyValueType.STRING, 2: _keyvalues.KeyValueType.INT, 3: _keyvalues.KeyValueType.FLOAT, 4: _keyvalues.KeyValueType.PTR, 5: _keyvalues.KeyValueType.WSTRING, 6: _keyvalues.KeyValueType.COLOR, 7: _keyvalues.KeyValueType.UNINT64, 8: _keyvalues.KeyValueType.NUM_TYPES}
class keyvalues.KeyValues

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

__init__((object)arg1, (str)arg2) → object

__init__( (object)arg1, (str)arg2, (str)arg3, (str)arg4) -> object

__init__( (object)arg1, (str)arg2, (str)arg3, (Channel)arg4) -> object

__init__( (object)arg1, (str)arg2, (str)arg3, (str)arg4, (str)arg5, (str)arg6) -> object

__init__( (object)arg1, (str)arg2, (str)arg3, (Channel)arg4, (str)arg5, (Channel)arg6) -> object

add_sub_key((KeyValues)arg1, (KeyValues)sub_key) → None :

Adds a sub key. Make sure the subkey isn’t a child of some other KeyValues.

as_dict((KeyValues)arg1) → dict :

Return the KeyValues object as a dict.

create_new_key((KeyValues)arg1) → KeyValues :

Creates a new child key with an autogenerated name. The name is guaranteed to be an integer, of value 1 higher than the highest other integer key name.

find_key((KeyValues)arg1, (str)arg2[, (bool)create_key=False]) → KeyValues :

Finds a KeyValue. Creates it if create_key is set.

find_key_by_symbol((KeyValues)arg1, (Channel)key) → KeyValues :

Finds a subkey by an integer identifier.

static from_buffer((str)buffer) → KeyValues :

Load KeyValues data from a buffer and return a new KeyValues instance on success.

from_buffer_in_place((KeyValues)arg1, (str)buffer) → bool :

Load KeyValues data from a buffer into an existing KeyValues instance.

static from_dict((str)arg1, (dict)arg2) → KeyValues
static from_file((str)file_name[, (str)encoding='utf-8'[, (str)errors='strict'[, (bool)uses_escape_sequences=False]]]) → KeyValues :

Load KeyValues data from a file and return a new KeyValues instance on success.

from_file_in_place((KeyValues)arg1, (str)file_name[, (str)encoding='utf-8'[, (str)errors='strict']]) → bool :

Load KeyValues data from a file into an existing KeyValues instance.

get_bool((KeyValues)arg1[, (str)key_name=None[, (bool)default_value=False]]) → bool :

Returns the boolean value for the given key name.

get_color((KeyValues)arg1[, (str)key_name=None[, (Color)default_value=None]]) → Color :

Returns the color value of the given key name.

get_data_type((KeyValues)arg1, (str)arg2) → KeyValueType :

Return the data type of this KeyValue object or the given key.

get_float((KeyValues)arg1[, (str)key_name=None[, (float)default_value=0.0]]) → float :

Returns the floating point value for the given key name.

get_int((KeyValues)arg1[, (str)key_name=None[, (Channel)default_value=0]]) → int :

Returns the integer value for the given key name.

get_string((KeyValues)arg1[, (str)key_name=None[, (str)default_value='']]) → str :

Returns the string value for the given key name.

get_uint64((KeyValues)arg1[, (str)key_name=None[, (int)default_value=0]]) → int :

Gets the 64-bit integer value for the given key name.

is_empty((KeyValues)arg1[, (str)key_name=None]) → bool :

Returns true if this key or the given key is empty.

make_copy((KeyValues)arg1) → KeyValues :

Create a copy of the instance.

recursive_copy((KeyValues)arg1, (KeyValues)arg2) → None :

Recursively copy the given KeyValues into this KeyValues instance.

remove_sub_key((KeyValues)arg1, (KeyValues)sub_key) → None :

Removes a subkey from the list. DOES NOT DELETE IT!

save_to_file((KeyValues)arg1, (str)file_name) → bool :

Saves the data in this KeyValues instance to the given file path.

set_bool((KeyValues)arg1, (str)key_name, (bool)value) → None :

Sets the given key’s boolean value.

set_color((KeyValues)arg1, (str)key_name, (Color)value) → None :

Sets the given key’s color value.

set_float((KeyValues)arg1, (str)key_name, (float)value) → None :

Sets the given key’s floating point value.

set_int((KeyValues)arg1, (str)key_name, (Channel)value) → None :

Sets the given key’s integer value.

set_string((KeyValues)arg1, (str)key_name, (str)value) → None :

Sets the given key’s string value.

set_uint64((KeyValues)arg1, (str)key_name, (int)value) → None :

Sets the given key’s 64-bit integer value.

uses_escape_sequences((KeyValues)arg1, (bool)uses_escape_sequences) → None :

Sets whether or not this keyvalues object uses escape sequences.


Returns the first subkey in the list. Will iterate over the keys AND the values.


Returns the first subkey (both key and value).


Returns the first value in the tree.


Returns the name of the keyvalues object.


Gets the name as a unique integer.


Returns the next subkey. Will iterate the keys AND the values.


Returns the next subkey (both key and value).


Returns the next value in the tree.

class keyvalues.KeyValuesIter

Bases: Boost.Python.instance

__init__((object)arg1, (KeyValues)arg2) → None