hooks.exceptions module ======================== .. automodule:: hooks.exceptions :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: :exclude-members: ExceptHook, except_hooks .. decorator:: ExceptHook Bases: :class:`hooks.base._HookDecorator` Fired when an exception is raised. The decorated function is passed the following parameters whe an exception is raised: :param Exception exc_type: The type of :class:`Exception` that was raised. :param Exception value: The instance of the :class:`Exception` that was raised. :param types.TracebackType trace_back: The traceback info for the raised exception. .. code-block:: python from hooks.exceptions import ExceptHook @ExceptHook def exception_callback(exc_type, value, trace_back): # Code... .. seealso:: :obj:`sys.excepthook` .. data:: except_hooks The singleton object of the :class:`_ExceptHooks` class.