listeners ========= This page contains tutorials about the :mod:`listeners` package. OnClientActive -------------- Called when a client has passed the loading screen and spawns into the server. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnClientActive @OnClientActive def on_client_active(index): pass OnClientConnect --------------- Called when a client tries to connect to the server. At this point the client can still be rejected. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnClientConnect @OnClientConnect def on_client_connect(allow_connect_ptr, edict, name, address, reject_msg_ptr, reject_msg_len): if name != 'something_you_dont_like': return allow_connect_ptr.set_bool(False) reject_msg_ptr.set_string_array('Your name is not allowed'[:reject_msg_len]) .. warning:: The length of the reject message should never exceed the value of ``reject_msg_len``. OnClientDisconnect ------------------ Called when a client disconnects from the server. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnClientDisconnect @OnClientDisconnect def on_client_disconnect(index): print(index) OnClientFullyConnect -------------------- Called when the client has fully connected to the server. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnClientFullyConnect @OnClientFullyConnect def on_client_fully_connect(index): pass .. note:: This listener only gets called in CS:GO and Blade Symphony. OnClientPutInServer ------------------- Called when the client is put in the server. It gets called right before `OnClientActive`_. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnClientPutInServer @OnClientPutInServer def on_client_put_in_server(edict, name): pass OnClientSettingsChanged ----------------------- Called when a client setting has been changed e.g. ``cl_language``. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnClientSettingsChanged @OnClientSettingsChanged def on_client_settings_changed(index): pass OnCombinerPreCache ------------------ Called when a combined model gets precached. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnCombinerPreCache @OnCombinerPreCache def on_combiner_precache(cache_data_type, model_handle): pass .. note:: This listener only gets called in CS:GO. OnConVarChanged --------------- Called when a convar has been changed. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnConVarChanged @OnConVarChanged def on_convar_changed(convar, old_value): pass OnDataLoaded ------------ Called when data has been loaded into the model cache. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnDataLoaded @OnDataLoaded def on_data_loaded(cache_data_type, model_handle): pass OnDataUnloaded -------------- Called when data has been unloaded from the model cache. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnDataUnloaded @OnDataUnloaded def on_data_unloaded(cache_data_type, model_handle): pass OnEdictAllocated ---------------- Called when an edict has been allocated. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnEdictAllocated @OnEdictAllocated def on_edict_allocated(index): pass .. note:: This listener only gets called in CS:GO, Black Mesa: Source and Blade Symphony. OnEdictFreed ------------ Called when an edict gets freed. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnEdictFreed @OnEdictFreed def on_edict_freed(edict): pass .. note:: This listener only gets called in CS:GO, Black Mesa: Source and Blade Symphony. OnEntityCreated --------------- Called when an entity has been created. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnEntityCreated @OnEntityCreated def on_entity_created(base_entity): pass OnNetworkedEntityCreated ------------------------ Called when a networked entity has been created. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnNetworkedEntityCreated @OnNetworkedEntityCreated def on_networked_entity_created(entity): pass OnEntityDeleted --------------- Called when an entity gets deleted. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnEntityDeleted @OnEntityDeleted def on_entity_deleted(base_entity): pass OnNetworkedEntityDeleted ------------------------ Called when a networked entity gets deleted. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnNetworkedEntityDeleted @OnNetworkedEntityDeleted def on_networked_entity_deleted(entity): pass OnEntityOutput -------------- Called when an entity output has been fired. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnEntityOutput @OnEntityOutput def on_entity_output(output_name, activator, caller, value, delay): pass .. note:: ``activator`` and ``caller`` are :class:`entities.entity.BaseEntity` instances if they are server-only entities. Otherwise they are :class:`entities.entity.Entity` instances. OnEntityPreSpawned ------------------ Called before an entity has been spawned. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnEntityPreSpawned @OnEntityPreSpawned def on_entity_pre_spawned(base_entity): pass .. note:: This listener gets only called in Black Mesa: Source. OnNetworkedEntityPreSpawned --------------------------- Called before a networked entity has been spawned. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnNetworkedEntityPreSpawned @OnNetworkedEntityPreSpawned def on_networked_entity_pre_spawned(entity): pass .. note:: This listener gets only called in Black Mesa: Source. OnEntitySpawned --------------- Called when an entity has been spawned. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnEntitySpawned @OnEntitySpawned def on_entity_spawned(base_entity): pass OnNetworkedEntitySpawned ------------------------ Called when a networked entity has been spawned. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnNetworkedEntitySpawned @OnNetworkedEntitySpawned def on_networked_entity_spawned(entity): pass OnEntityCollision ----------------- Called when a non-player entity is about to collide with another entity. .. note:: This listener can be extremely noisy. Use :class:`entities.collisions.CollisionHash`, :class:`entities.collisions.CollisionMap`, or :class:`entities.collisions.CollisionSet` if you don't have dynamic conditions to test for. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnEntityCollision @OnEntityCollision def on_entity_collision(entity, other): # Disable weapons/projectiles collisions with everything except players return not (entity.is_weapon() and not other.is_player()) OnEntityTransmit ---------------- Called when a non-player entity is about to be transmitted to a player. .. note:: This listener can be extremely noisy. Use :class:`entities.transmit.TransmitHash`, :class:`entities.transmit.TransmitMap`, or :class:`entities.transmit.TransmitSet` if you don't have dynamic conditions to test for. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnEntityTransmit @OnEntityTransmit def on_entity_transmit(player, entity): # Never transmit hostages return entity.classname != 'hostage_entity' OnLevelInit ----------- Called when a map starts. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnLevelInit @OnLevelInit def on_level_init(map_name): pass OnLevelShutdown --------------- Called when a map ends e.g. due to a manual map change or time limit. .. note:: Can be called multiple times per map change! Use :class:`listeners.OnLevelEnd` if you want to make sure it's only getting called once per map change. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnLevelShutdown @OnLevelShutdown def on_level_shutdown(): pass OnLevelEnd ---------- Called when a map ends e.g. due to a manual map change or time limit. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnLevelEnd @OnLevelEnd def on_level_end(): pass OnNetworkidValidated -------------------- Called when a client has been authenticated. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnNetworkidValidated @OnNetworkidValidated def on_networkid_validated(name, steamid): pass .. note:: If your server can't establish a connection to the Steam servers, this listener will never get called. OnButtonStateChanged -------------------- Called when the button state of a player changed. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnButtonStateChanged @OnButtonStateChanged def on_button_state_changed(player, old_buttons, new_buttons): pass .. seealso:: Use :func:`listeners.get_button_combination_status` to check if a specific button or button combination has been pressed or released. OnPlayerCollision ----------------- Called when a player is about to collide with an entity. .. note:: This listener can be extremely noisy. Use :class:`entities.collisions.CollisionHash`, :class:`entities.collisions.CollisionMap`, or :class:`entities.collisions.CollisionSet` if you don't have dynamic conditions to test for. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnPlayerCollision @OnPlayerCollision def on_player_collision(player, entity): # Disable teammates collisions if not entity.is_player(): return return player.team_index != entity.team_index OnPlayerTransmit ---------------- Called when a player is about to be transmitted to another. .. note:: This listener can be extremely noisy. Use :class:`entities.transmit.TransmitHash`, :class:`entities.transmit.TransmitMap`, or :class:`entities.transmit.TransmitSet` if you don't have dynamic conditions to test for. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnPlayerTransmit @OnPlayerTransmit def on_player_transmit(player, other): # Don't transmit teammates return != OnPlayerRunCommand -------------------- Called when a player runs a command. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnPlayerRunCommand @OnPlayerRunCommand def on_player_run_command(player, user_cmd): pass OnPlayerPostRunCommand ---------------------- Called after a player ran a command. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnPlayerPostRunCommand @OnPlayerPostRunCommand def on_player_post_run_command(player, user_cmd): pass OnPluginLoaded -------------- Called when a plugin has been loaded successfully. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnPluginLoaded @OnPluginLoaded def on_plugin_loaded(plugin): pass OnPluginLoading --------------- Called right before a plugin is imported and loaded. All checks (e.g. plugin file exists, etc.) have been done at this point. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnPluginLoading @OnPluginLoading def on_plugin_loading(plugin): pass OnPluginUnloaded ---------------- Called when a plugin has been unloaded successfully. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnPluginUnloaded @OnPluginUnloaded def on_plugin_unloaded(plugin): pass OnPluginUnloading ----------------- Called right before a loaded plugin is unloaded. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnPluginUnloading @OnPluginUnloading def on_plugin_unloading(plugin): pass OnQueryCvarValueFinished ------------------------ Called when a client cvar query finished. Cvar queries need to be started with :meth:`engines.server._EngineServer.start_query_cvar_value`. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnQueryCvarValueFinished @OnQueryCvarValueFinished def on_query_cvar_value_finished(cookie, index, status, cvar_name, cvar_value): pass OnServerActivate ---------------- Called when a map starts and the server is ready to accept clients. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnServerActivate @OnServerActivate def on_server_activate(edicts, edict_count, max_clients): pass OnServerOutput ---------------- Called when something is printed to the console. You can decide whether the message is logged/printed or not. .. warning:: Be careful when printing something within this listener. It can easily result into a recursion, which results into a crash of the server. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnServerOutput from core import OutputReturn @OnServerOutput def on_server_output(severity, msg): # Block everything starting with 'sv_' or 'mp_' from being logged. # This keeps the console clean in CS:GO. if msg.startswith(('sv_', 'mp_')): return OutputReturn.BLOCK return OutputReturn.CONTINUE OnTick ------ Called once per server frame. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnTick @OnTick def on_tick(): pass .. warning:: Be careful when using this listeners. Depending on your implementation this can cause a performance impact on your server. OnVersionUpdate --------------- Called when a new Source.Python version is available. Version updates are checked once per map. .. code-block:: python from listeners import OnVersionUpdate @OnVersionUpdate def on_version_update(old_version, new_version): pass .. note:: This requires ``sp_check_for_update`` to be set to ``1`` and the current installation has to be versioned (no build from source).