Source code for weapons._base

# ../weapons/

"""Provides simplified weapon functionality."""

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# Source.Python Imports
#   Entities
from entities.entity import Entity
#   Weapons
from _weapons._entity import WeaponMixin
from weapons.manager import weapon_manager

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# Add all the global variables to __all__
__all__ = ('Weapon',

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[docs]class Weapon(WeaponMixin, Entity): """Allows easy usage of the weapon's attributes."""
[docs] def __init__(self, index, caching=True): """Initialize the object. :param int index: A valid weapon index. :param bool caching: Whether to lookup the cache for an existing instance or not. :raise ValueError: Raised if the index is invalid. """ WeaponMixin.__init__(self, index) Entity.__init__(self, index)
def _validate_clip(self): """Test if the weapon has a clip.""" if ( self.classname in weapon_manager and weapon_manager[self.classname].clip is None ) or self._clip == -1: raise ValueError('Weapon does not have a clip.')
[docs] def get_clip(self): """Return the amount of ammo in the weapon's clip.""" self._validate_clip() return self._clip
[docs] def set_clip(self, value): """Set the amount of ammo in the weapon's clip.""" self._validate_clip() self._clip = value
# Set the "clip" property methods clip = property( get_clip, set_clip, doc="""Property to get/set the weapon's clip.""") def _validate_ammo(self): """Test if the weapon has a valid ammoprop and an owner.""" if ( self.classname in weapon_manager and weapon_manager[self.classname].ammoprop is None ) or self.ammoprop == -1: raise ValueError( 'Unable to get ammoprop for {weapon}'.format( weapon=self.classname ) ) player = self.owner if player is None: raise ValueError('Unable to get the owner of the weapon.') return player
[docs] def get_ammo(self): """Return the amount of ammo the player has for the weapon.""" player = self._validate_ammo() return player.get_property_int( '{base}{prop:03d}'.format( base=weapon_manager.ammoprop, prop=self.ammoprop, ) )
[docs] def set_ammo(self, value): """Set the player's ammo property for the weapon.""" player = self._validate_ammo() player.set_property_int( '{base}{prop:03d}'.format( base=weapon_manager.ammoprop, prop=self.ammoprop, ), value, )
# Set the "ammo" property methods ammo = property( get_ammo, set_ammo, doc="""Property to get/set the weapon's ammo.""") def _validate_secondary_fire_clip(self): """Test if the weapon has a secondary fire clip.""" if self._secondary_fire_clip == -1: raise ValueError('Weapon does not have a secondary fire clip.')
[docs] def get_secondary_fire_clip(self): """Return the amount of ammo in the weapon's secondary fire clip.""" self._validate_secondary_fire_clip() return self._secondary_fire_clip
[docs] def set_secondary_fire_clip(self, value): """Set the amount of ammo in the weapon's secondary fire clip.""" self._validate_secondary_fire_clip() self._secondary_fire_clip = value
# Set the "secondary_fire_clip" property methods secondary_fire_clip = property( get_secondary_fire_clip, set_secondary_fire_clip, doc="""Property to get/set the weapon's secondary fire clip.""") def _validate_secondary_fire_ammo(self): """Test if the weapon has a valid secondary fire ammoprop and an owner.""" if self.secondary_fire_ammoprop == -1: raise ValueError( 'Unable to get secondary fire ammoprop for {0}'.format( self.classname)) player = self.owner if player is None: raise ValueError('Unable to get the owner of the weapon.') return player
[docs] def get_secondary_fire_ammo(self): """Return the secondary fire ammo the player has for the weapon.""" player = self._validate_secondary_fire_ammo() return player.get_property_int( '{base}{prop:03d}'.format( base=weapon_manager.ammoprop, prop=self.secondary_fire_ammoprop, ) )
[docs] def set_secondary_fire_ammo(self, value): """Set the player's secondary fire ammo property for the weapon.""" player = self._validate_secondary_fire_ammo() player.set_property_int( '{base}{prop:03d}'.format( base=weapon_manager.ammoprop, prop=self.secondary_fire_ammoprop, ), value, )
# Set the "secondary_fire_ammo" property methods secondary_fire_ammo = property( get_secondary_fire_ammo, set_secondary_fire_ammo, doc="""Property to get/set the weapon's secondary fire ammo.""") @property def weapon_name(self): """Return the full class name of the weapon.""" return self.classname
[docs] def remove(self): """Remove the weapon.""" # Avoid a cyclic import from players.entity import Player owner = self.owner if owner is not None and owner.is_player(): player = Player(owner.index) player.drop_weapon(self) super().remove()