Source code for translations.strings

# ../translations/

"""Provides translation functionality."""

# =============================================================================
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# Python Imports
#   Binascii
from binascii import unhexlify
#   Codecs
from codecs import unicode_escape_decode
#   Re
from re import compile as re_compile
from re import VERBOSE

# Site-Package Imports
#   Configobj
from configobj import Section

# Source.Python Imports
#   Core
from core import GameConfigObj
#   Paths
from paths import TRANSLATION_PATH
from paths import GAME_PATH
#   Translations
from translations.manager import language_manager

# =============================================================================
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__all__ = ('LangStrings',

# =============================================================================
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# Get an re.compile instance to correct all double escaped strings
_double_escaped_pattern = re_compile(
    (?P<notation>a|b|e|f|n|r|s|t|v)))""", VERBOSE)

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[docs]class LangStrings(dict): """Dictionary class used to store all strings for a plugin."""
[docs] def __init__(self, infile, encoding='utf_8'): """Add all strings and fix double escaped strings.""" # Initialize the dictionary super().__init__() # Get the path to the given file self._mainfile = TRANSLATION_PATH / infile + '.ini' self._encoding = encoding # Does the file exist? if not self._mainfile.isfile(): # Raise an error raise FileNotFoundError( 'No file found at {0}'.format(self._mainfile)) # Get the path to the server specific file self._serverfile = self._mainfile.parent / '{0}_server.ini'.format( self._mainfile.namebase) # Get the strings from the main file main_strings = GameConfigObj(self._mainfile, encoding=encoding) # Does the server specific file exist? if not self._serverfile.isfile() and not infile.startswith('_core/'): # Create the server specific file self._create_server_file() # Otherwise else: # Get any strings from the server specific file server_strings = GameConfigObj(self._serverfile, encoding=encoding) # Merge the two ConfigObj instances together main_strings.merge(server_strings) # Loop through all strings for key in main_strings: # Is the current string not a Section? if not isinstance(main_strings[key], Section): # No need to go further continue # Get a TranslationStrings instance for the current string translation_strings = TranslationStrings() # Loop through all languages for the current string for lang in main_strings[key]: # Get the shortname of the current language language = language_manager.get_language(lang) # Was the language found? if language is None: # Do not add this translation # Possibly raise an error silently here continue # Get the language's string and fix any escaped strings translation_strings[ language] = self._replace_escaped_sequences( main_strings[key][lang]) # Add the TranslationStrings instance for the current string self[key] = translation_strings # Is there any default language specified into the main file? if 'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE' in main_strings: # Get the default language default_language = main_strings['DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'] # Make sure it is not a Section if not isinstance(default_language, Section): # Get the given language code language_code = language_manager.get_language(default_language) # Is the language valid? if language_code is not None: # Set the default language self.default_language = language_code # Delete the key from the main file as we are done with it del main_strings['DEFAULT_LANGUAGE']
def __setattr__(self, attribute, value): """Register the default language.""" # Is the given attribute the default language? if attribute == 'default_language': # Get the given language code language_code = language_manager.get_language(value) # Is the given language code valid? if language_code is not None: # Loop through all strings for key in self: # Set the default language to use for that string self[key]._default_language = language_code # Override the given value value = language_code # Set the attribute super().__setattr__(attribute, value) def _create_server_file(self): """Create a server specific langstrings file.""" # Get the server specific file's ConfigObj instance server_file = GameConfigObj(self._serverfile, encoding=self._encoding) # Set the initial comments to explain what the file is for server_file.initial_comment = _translation_strings[ 'Initial Comment'].get_string( language_manager.default, filename=self._mainfile.replace(GAME_PATH, '')).splitlines() # Write the server specific file server_file.write() @staticmethod def _replace_escaped_sequences(given_string): """Fix all double escaped strings.""" # Loop through all matches for escaped_match in set( _double_escaped_pattern.finditer(given_string)): # Get the match as a string matching_string = # Get a dictionnary of all groups matching_groups = escaped_match.groupdict() # Are we matching any octal sequences? if matching_groups['octal']: # Replace it given_string = given_string.replace( matching_string, chr(int(matching_groups['octal']))) # Otherwise, are we matching any hexadecimal sequences? elif matching_groups['hexadecimal']: # Replace it given_string = given_string.replace( matching_string, str(unhexlify( matching_groups['hexadecimal']), encoding='ascii')) # Otherwise, that means we are matching a notation else: # Replace it given_string = given_string.replace( matching_string, unicode_escape_decode(matching_string)[0]) # Return the replaced string return given_string
[docs] def get_strings(self, key, **tokens): """Return a TranslationStrings object with updated tokens.""" strings = self[key] strings.tokens.update(tokens) return strings
[docs]class TranslationStrings(dict): """Stores and get language strings for a particular string."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Store an empty dictionary as the tokens.""" super().__init__() self.tokens = {}
[docs] def get_string(self, language=None, **tokens): """Return the language string for the given language/tokens.""" # Was no language passed? if language is None: # Set the language to the server's default language = language_manager.default # Get the language shortname to be used language = self.get_language(language) # Was a valid language found? if language is None: # Return an empty string # Possibly raise an error silently here return '' # Expose all TranslationStrings instances in self.tokens exposed_tokens = {} # Pass additional kwargs - these will be used to format the string self._update_exposed_tokens( exposed_tokens, language, self.tokens, **tokens) # Don't pass any additional kwargs, each token should either # be trivial or rely on itself (self.tokens) self._update_exposed_tokens(exposed_tokens, language, tokens) # Return the formatted message return self[language].format(**exposed_tokens)
@staticmethod def _update_exposed_tokens(exposed_tokens, language, tokens, **kwargs): for token_name, token in tokens.items(): if isinstance(token, TranslationStrings): token = token.get_string(language, **kwargs) exposed_tokens[token_name] = token
[docs] def get_language(self, language): """Return the language to be used.""" # Get the given language's shortname language = language_manager.get_language(language) # Was a language found? if language is not None and language in self: # Return the language return language # Is the server's default language in the dictionary? if language_manager.default in self: # Return the server's default language return language_manager.default # Is there any default language defined? if hasattr(self, '_default_language'): # Is the default language available for that string? if self._default_language in self: # Return the default language to use return self._default_language # Is the server's fallback language in the dictionary? if language_manager.fallback in self: # Return the server's fallback language return language_manager.fallback # Return None as the language, as no language has been found return None
[docs] def tokenized(self, **tokens): """Create a new TranslationStrings instance and store tokens in it. :param dict tokens: Tokens to store in the instance. :return: New TranslationStrings instance with tokens stored in it. :rtype: TranslationStrings """ result = TranslationStrings() result.tokens.update(tokens) result.update(self) return result
# Get the translations language strings _translation_strings = LangStrings('_core/translations_strings')