# ../settings/player.py
"""Provides access to user settings functionality."""
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Python
from collections import OrderedDict
# Source.Python
from core import AutoUnload
from menus import PagedMenu, PagedOption
from settings.menu import _player_settings
from settings.types import (
BoolSetting, IntegerSetting, SettingsType, StringSetting
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
__all__ = ('PlayerSettings',
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
class _SettingsDictionary(OrderedDict):
"""Class used to store user settings."""
def __init__(self, name, text=None):
"""Verify the name value and stores base attributes."""
# Is the given name a proper value for a convar?
if not name.replace('_', '').replace(' ', '').isalpha():
# Raise an error
raise ValueError(
'Given name "{0}" is not valid'.format(name))
# Set the base attributes
self.name = name
self.text = text
# Create the instance's menu
self.menu = PagedMenu(
title=name if text is None else text)
# Call the super class' __init__ to initialize the OrderedDict
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
"""Validate the given value and its type before setting the item."""
# Is the given value a proper type?
if not isinstance(value, (_SettingsDictionary, SettingsType)):
# Raise an error
raise ValueError(
'Given value "{0}" is not valid'.format(value))
# Is the item already in the dictionary?
if item in self:
# Raise an error
raise ValueError(
'Given item "{0}" is already registered'.format(item))
# Set the item in the dictionary
super().__setitem__(item, value)
# Get the new object
value = self[item]
# Set the item's prefix
value.prefix = self.prefix
if not value.prefix.endswith('_'):
value.prefix += '_'
# Does the section's name need added to the prefix?
if not isinstance(self, PlayerSettings):
# Add the section's name to the prefix
value.prefix += self.name.lower().replace(' ', '_') + '_'
# Add the option to the menu
value.name if value.text is None else value.text, value))
def add_int_setting(
self, name, default, text=None, min_value=None, max_value=None):
"""Add a new integer setting to the dictionary."""
self[name] = IntegerSetting(name, default, text, min_value, max_value)
return self[name]
def add_bool_setting(self, name, default, text=None):
"""Add a new boolean setting to the dictionary."""
self[name] = BoolSetting(name, default, text)
return self[name]
def add_string_setting(self, name, default, text=None):
"""Add a new string setting to the dictionary."""
self[name] = StringSetting(name, default, text)
return self[name]
def add_section(self, name, text=None):
"""Add a new section to the dictionary."""
self[name] = _SettingsDictionary(name, text)
return self[name]
def _chosen_item(menu, index, option):
"""Called when an item is chosen from the instance's menu."""
# Is the chosen value another branch of settings?
if isinstance(option.value, _SettingsDictionary):
# Send the new menu
# No need to go further
# TODO: Placeholder for sending setting specific menus
[docs]class PlayerSettings(AutoUnload, _SettingsDictionary):
"""Class used to register user settings."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name, prefix, text=None):
"""Verify the given values and store the instance."""
# Is the given name already registered?
if name in _player_settings:
# Raise an error
raise ValueError(
'Given name "{0}" is already registered.'.format(name))
# Is the prefix a proper value?
if not prefix.replace('_', '').isalpha():
# Raise an error
raise ValueError(
'Given prefix "{0}" is not valid'.format(prefix))
# Call the super class' __init__ to verify
# the name and store base attributes
super().__init__(name, text)
# Set the prefix for the settings
self.prefix = prefix.lower()
# Add the instance to the main dictionary
_player_settings[name] = self
# Add the settings instance to the main settings menu
self.option = PagedOption(name if text is None else text, self)
[docs] def unregister_settings(self):
"""Unregister the given settings from the dictionary."""
del _player_settings[self.name]
def _unload_instance(self):
"""Unregister the setting on unload."""