Source code for plugins.manager

# ../plugins/

"""Provides plugin loading/unloading functionality."""

# =============================================================================
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# Python Imports
#   Collections
from collections import OrderedDict
#   Configobj
from configobj import ConfigObj
from configobj import Section
#   GC
from gc import collect
#   Importlib
from importlib.util import find_spec
from importlib.util import spec_from_file_location
#   Sys
import sys
#   Re
import re

# Source.Python Imports
#   Core
from core import AutoUnload
from core import WeakAutoUnload
#   Hooks
from hooks.exceptions import except_hooks
#   Listeners
from listeners import on_plugin_loaded_manager
from listeners import on_plugin_unloaded_manager
from listeners import on_plugin_loading_manager
from listeners import on_plugin_unloading_manager
#   Paths
from paths import PLUGIN_PATH
#   Plugins
from plugins import plugins_logger
from import PluginInfo
from plugins.instance import Plugin

# =============================================================================
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from _plugins import ServerPluginManager
from _plugins import server_plugin_manager

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__all__ = ('PluginManager',

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# Get the sp.plugins.manager logger
plugins_manager_logger = plugins_logger.manager

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class PluginError(ValueError):

class PluginFileNotFoundError(PluginError):

class InvalidPluginName(PluginError):

class PluginAlreadyLoaded(PluginError):

class PluginHasBuiltInName(PluginError):

class PluginNotLoaded(PluginError):

[docs]class PluginManager(OrderedDict): """Stores plugins and their instances.""" RE_VALID_PLUGIN = re.compile('^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*[A-Za-z0-9])$')
[docs] def __init__(self, base_import=''): """Called when the class instance is initialized.""" # Re-call OrderedDict's __init__ to properly setup the object super().__init__() self._base_import = base_import
def _create_plugin_instance(self, plugin_name): """Create a new plugin instance. Overwrite this method if you wish to use your own Plugin subclass. :rtype: Plugin """ return Plugin(plugin_name, self) @property def base_import(self): """Return the base import path for the manager. :rtype: str """ return self._base_import @property def plugins_directory(self): """Return the directory where the plugins are stored. :rtype: path.Path """ return PLUGIN_PATH.joinpath(*tuple(self.base_import.split('.')[:~0])) @property def plugins(self): """Return a generator to iterate over all existing plugins. :return: The generator yields the plugin names. :rtype: generator """ for path in self.plugins_directory.dirs(): plugin_name = path.namebase if not self.is_valid_plugin_name(plugin_name): continue if not self.plugin_exists(plugin_name): continue yield plugin_name @property def loaded_plugins(self): """Return a tuple containing all loaded plugins. :return: The tuple contains :class:`plugins.instance.Plugin` instances. :rtype: tuple """ return tuple(self.values())
[docs] def load(self, plugin_name): """Load a plugin by name. :param str plugin_name: Name of the plugin to load. :raise InvalidPluginName: Raised if the given plugin name is invalid. :raise PluginAlreadyLoaded: Raised if the plugin was already loaded. :raise PluginFileNotFoundError: Raised if the plugin's main file wasn't found. :raise PluginHasBuiltInName: Raised if the plugin has the name of a built-in module. :raise Exception: Any other exceptions raised by the plugin during the load process. :rtype: Plugin """ if self.is_loaded(plugin_name): raise PluginAlreadyLoaded( 'Plugin "{}" is already loaded.'.format(plugin_name)) if not self.is_valid_plugin_name(plugin_name): raise InvalidPluginName( '"{}" is an invalid plugin name.'.format(plugin_name)) plugin = self._create_plugin_instance(plugin_name) if not plugin.file_path.isfile(): raise PluginFileNotFoundError( 'File {} does not exist.'.format(plugin.file_path)) spec = None if plugin_name not in sys.builtin_module_names: try: spec = find_spec(plugin.import_name) # AttributeError: # An existing .py module that do not have a __path__ attribute. # ValueError: # An existing .pyc/.pyd package that have its __spec__ attribute # set to None. except (AttributeError, ValueError): pass if spec is None or spec != spec_from_file_location( plugin.import_name, plugin.file_path): raise PluginHasBuiltInName( 'Plugin "{}" has the name of a built-in module.'.format( plugin_name)) # Add the instance here, so we can use get_plugin_instance() etc. # within the plugin itself before the plugin has been fully loaded. # This is also required e.g. for retrieving the PluginInfo instance. self[plugin_name] = plugin on_plugin_loading_manager.notify(plugin) try: # Actually load the plugin plugin._load() except: self.pop(plugin_name, 0) self._remove_modules(plugin_name) raise on_plugin_loaded_manager.notify(plugin) return plugin
[docs] def unload(self, plugin_name): """Unload a plugin by name. :param str plugin_name: Name of the plugin to unload. :raise PluginNotLoaded: Raised if the plugin is not loaded. """ if not self.is_loaded(plugin_name): raise PluginNotLoaded( 'Plugin "{}" is not loaded.'.format(plugin_name)) plugin = self[plugin_name] on_plugin_unloading_manager.notify(plugin) try: plugin._unload() except: except_hooks.print_exception() self._remove_modules(plugin_name) del self[plugin_name] collect() on_plugin_unloaded_manager.notify(plugin)
[docs] def reload(self, plugin_name): """Reload a plugin by name. :param str plugin_name: Name of the plugin to reload. :raise PluginNotLoaded: Raised if the plugin is not loaded. :raise InvalidPluginName: Raised if the given plugin name is invalid. :raise PluginFileNotFoundError: Raised if the plugin's main file wasn't found. :raise PluginHasBuiltInName: Raised if the plugin has the name of a built-in module. :raise Exception: Any other exceptions raised by the plugin during the load process. :rtype: Plugin """ self.unload(plugin_name) return self.load(plugin_name)
[docs] def is_valid_plugin_name(self, plugin_name): """Return whether or not the given plugin name is valid. :param str plugin_name: Name to check. :rtype: bool """ return self.RE_VALID_PLUGIN.match(plugin_name) is not None
[docs] def is_loaded(self, plugin_name): """Return whether or not a plugin is loaded. :param str plugin_name: The plugin to check. :rtype: bool """ return plugin_name in self
[docs] def plugin_exists(self, plugin_name): """Return whether of not a plugin exists. :param str plugin_name: The plugin to check. :rtype: bool """ return self.get_plugin_file_path(plugin_name).isfile()
[docs] def get_plugin_instance(self, plugin_name): """Return a plugin's instance, if it is loaded. :param str plugin_name: The plugin to check. You can pass ``__name__`` from one of your plugin files to retrieve its own plugin instance. :rtype: Plugin """ plugin_name = self.get_plugin_name(plugin_name) if self.is_loaded(plugin_name): return self[plugin_name] return None
[docs] def get_plugin_name(self, plugin_name): """Return the plugin's name. :param str plugin_name: The plugin's real name (will be passed through) or the ``__name__`` variable of one of the plugin's files. :rtype: str """ if not plugin_name.startswith(self.base_import): return plugin_name return plugin_name.replace(self.base_import, '', 1).split('.', 1)[0]
[docs] def get_plugin_directory(self, plugin_name): """Return the directory of the given plugin. :rtype: path.Path """ return self.plugins_directory / plugin_name
[docs] def get_plugin_file_path(self, plugin_name): """Return the path to the plugin's main file. :param str plugin_name: Name of the plugin. :rtype: path.Path """ return self.get_plugin_directory(plugin_name) / plugin_name + '.py'
[docs] def get_plugin_info(self, plugin_name): """Return information about the given plugin. :param str plugin_name: The plugin to check. You can pass ``__name__`` from one of your plugin files to retrieve its own plugin instance. :rtype: PluginInfo """ plugin = self.get_plugin_instance(plugin_name) if plugin is not None: return return self._create_plugin_info(plugin_name)
def _create_plugin_info(self, plugin_name): """Create a new :class:`` instance. :param str plugin_name: Name of the plugin whose plugin info should be created. :raise PluginFileNotFoundError: Raised if the plugin's main file wasn't found. :rtype: PluginInfo """ if not self.plugin_exists(plugin_name): raise PluginFileNotFoundError( 'Plugin "{}" does not exist.'.format(plugin_name)) info_file = self.get_plugin_directory(plugin_name) / 'info.ini' if not info_file.isfile(): # Just return an "empty" PluginInfo instance. We don't have more # information. return PluginInfo(plugin_name) info = ConfigObj(info_file) return PluginInfo( plugin_name, info.pop('verbose_name', None), info.pop('author', None), info.pop('description', None), info.pop('version', None), info.pop('url', None), tuple(info.pop('permissions', dict()).items()), self._get_public_convar_from_info_file(info), self._get_display_in_listing_from_info_file(info), **info.dict() ) @staticmethod def _get_public_convar_from_info_file(info): data = info.pop('public_convar', 'True') if isinstance(data, Section): return data.dict() # False and 0 result in False, everything else is True return data.lower() not in ('false', '0') @staticmethod def _get_display_in_listing_from_info_file(info): data = info.pop('display_in_listing', []) if isinstance(data, (tuple, list)): return list(data) return [data] def _remove_modules(self, plugin_name): """Remove all modules from the plugin.""" # Get the plugins import path base_name = self.base_import + plugin_name # Remove modules from sys.modules for module in list(sys.modules): if self._is_related_module(base_name, module): del sys.modules[module] # Unload AutoUnload instances for module, instances in list(AutoUnload._module_instances.items()): if not self._is_related_module(base_name, module): continue self._unload_auto_unload_instances(instances) del AutoUnload._module_instances[module] # Unload WeakAutoUnload instances for module, instance_dict in list( WeakAutoUnload._module_instances.items()): if not self._is_related_module(base_name, module): continue self._unload_auto_unload_instances(instance_dict.values()) del WeakAutoUnload._module_instances[module] @staticmethod def _is_related_module(base_name, module): """Check if a plugin's base name is related to a module name. :rtype: bool """ return (module.startswith('{}.'.format(base_name)) or module == base_name) @staticmethod def _unload_auto_unload_instances(instances): """Unload all given :class:`AutoUnload` instances.""" for instance in instances: try: instance._unload_instance() except: # Print the error to console, but allow all # other AutoUnload instances to be unloaded # and the plugin to be fully unloaded itself except_hooks.print_exception()
# The singleton instance of the :class:`PluginManager` class plugin_manager = PluginManager()