Source code for

# ../plugins/

"""Provides plugin information storing."""

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# Source.Python Imports
#   Cvars
from cvars.public import PublicConVar

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__all__ = ('PluginInfo',

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[docs]class PluginInfo(dict): """Store information for a plugin."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name, verbose_name=None, author=None, description=None, version=None, url=None, permissions=None, public_convar=True, display_in_listing=None, **kwargs): """Initialize the instance. :param str name: Name of the plugin on the file system. :param str verbose_name: A verbose name for the plugin (e.g. GunGame). :param str author: Name of the author. :param str description: A short description of what the plugin does. :param str version: Current version of the plugin. :param str url: A link to a thread in the 'Plugin Releases' forum section or the plugin's SPPM link. :param list permissions: A list of permissions defined or used by the plugin. The list should contain tuples that define the permission and a short description of the permission. :param public_convar: If set to ``True``, a public convar will be generated based on the plugin name, verbose name and version. Set it to ``False`` if you don't want a public convar or set it to a dictionary containing the parameters to create a :class:`cvars.public.PublicConvar` instance. :param list display_in_listing: A list that contains custom attributes that should appear in the plugin listing (e.g. sp plugin list). :param kwargs: Any additional attributes you want to set. If you want those attributes to appear in the plugin listing, update :attr:`display_in_listing`. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) = name self._verbose_name = verbose_name = author self.description = description self._version = version self.url = url # All permissions defined by this plugin # A list that contains tuples: # Example: # [('test1.kick', 'Permission to kick players.'), # ('test1.ban', 'Permission to ban players.'), # ('test1.start_vote', 'Permission to start a vote.')] self.permissions = [] if permissions is None else permissions self.public_convar = public_convar self.display_in_listing = [] if display_in_listing is None else display_in_listing
def _create_public_convar(self): """Create a public convar if :attr:`public_convar` is set to True.""" name = '{}_version'.format( description = '{} version.'.format(self.verbose_name) if self.public_convar is True: self.public_convar = PublicConVar( name, self.version, description ) elif isinstance(self.public_convar, dict): self.public_convar = PublicConVar( self.public_convar.pop('name', name), self.public_convar.pop('value', self.version), self.public_convar.pop('description', description), **self.public_convar)
[docs] def get_verbose_name(self): """Return the verbose name of the plugin. If no verbose name has been set, the plugin name will be titled. :rtype: str """ if self._verbose_name is None: return'_', ' ').title() return self._verbose_name
[docs] def set_verbose_name(self, value): """Set the verbose name of the plugin.""" self._verbose_name = value
verbose_name = property(get_verbose_name, set_verbose_name)
[docs] def get_version(self): """Return the plugin's version. :rtype: str """ if self._version is None: return 'unversioned' return self._version
[docs] def set_version(self, value): """Set the plugin's version.""" self._version = value
version = property(get_version, set_version) # Redirect __getitem__ and __setitem__ to __getattr__ and __setattr__ __getattr__ = dict.__getitem__ __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__