Source code for memory

# ../memory/

"""Provides binary/memory based functionality."""

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# Python
import inspect

# Source.Python
#   Loggers
from loggers import _sp_logger

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# Source.Python
#   core
from core import AutoUnload
#   memory
from _memory import BinaryFile
from _memory import CallingConvention
from _memory import CLASS_INFO
from _memory import Convention
from _memory import DataType
from _memory import EXPOSED_CLASSES
from _memory import Function
from _memory import FunctionInfo
from _memory import NULL
from _memory import Pointer
from _memory import ProcessorRegister
from _memory import Register
from _memory import Registers
from _memory import StackData
from _memory import TYPE_SIZES
from _memory import alloc
from _memory import find_binary
from _memory import get_data_type_size
from _memory import get_object_pointer
from _memory import get_size
from _memory import make_object

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__all__ = ('BinaryFile',

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# Get the sp.memory logger
memory_logger = _sp_logger.memory

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[docs]class Callback(AutoUnload, Function): """Decorator to create a function in memory to call a Python callback."""
[docs] def __init__(self, convention, arg_types, return_type): """Initialize the Callback object. :param Convention|CallingConvention convention: Calling convention that should be used for this callback. :param iterable arg_types: Argument types of the callback. :param return_type: Return type of the callback. """ self.callback = None # Allocate enough space for a jump, so we can hook it later. Then # convert it to a function. Of course, this isn't a function, but the # hook will override it. super().__init__( alloc(8, False).address, convention, arg_types, return_type) self.add_pre_hook(self._hook)
def _hook(self, args): """Call the callback and get the return value.""" return_value = self.callback(args) if return_value is not None: return return_value if self.return_type == DataType.VOID: return 0 # We will crash now :( raise ValueError('Return value is not allowed to be None.') def __call__(self, *args, **kw): """Store the given callback on the first call. All further calls will call the created callback function. """ if self.callback is None: assert callable(args[0]) self.callback = args[0] return self return super().__call__(*args, **kw) def _unload_instance(self): """Remove the hook, restore the allocated space and deallocate it.""" self._delete_hook() self.dealloc()
# ============================================================================= # >> FUNCTIONS # =============================================================================
[docs]def get_virtual_function(obj, function_name, function_index=0): """Return a :class:`Function` object. Create the :class:`Function` object by using a :class:`FunctionInfo` object. :param obj: An object of an exposed class. :param str function_name: See :func:`get_function_info`. :param int function_index: See :func:`get_function_info`. :raise ValueError: See :func:`get_class_name`. """ return get_object_pointer(obj).make_virtual_function( get_function_info(obj, function_name, function_index))
[docs]def get_function_info(cls, function_name, function_index=0): """Return the :class:`FunctionInfo` object of a member function. :param str cls: See :func:`get_class_info`. :param str function_name: The name of the member function on the C++ side. :param int function_index: The index of the member function in the function info list. This is only required if the function is overloaded and you want to get a different FunctionInfo object than the first one. :raise ValueError: See :func:`get_class_name`. """ return get_class_info(cls)[function_name][function_index]
[docs]def get_class_info(cls): """Return the class info dictionary of a class. :param str cls: A string that defines the name of the class on the C++ side or an exposed class or an object of an exposed class. :raise ValueError: See :func:`get_class_name`. """ if isinstance(cls, str): return CLASS_INFO[cls] if not inspect.isclass(cls): cls = cls.__class__ return get_class_info(get_class_name(cls))
[docs]def get_class_name(cls): """Return the name of a class or class object on the C++ side. :param cls: A class or class object. :raise ValueError: Raised if the class was not exposed by Source.Python. """ if not inspect.isclass(cls): cls = cls.__class__ for name, possible_cls in EXPOSED_CLASSES.items(): if cls is possible_cls: return name for base_class in cls.__bases__: try: class_name = get_class_name(base_class) except ValueError: continue else: return class_name raise ValueError('Given class was not exposed.')
[docs]def get_class(classname): """Return the class of an exposed class by its C++ class name. :param str classname: The name of the exposed class on the C++ side. :raise KeyError: Raised if the `classname` is not the name of an exposed class. """ return EXPOSED_CLASSES[classname]