Source code for filters.weapons

# ../filters/

"""Provides weapon filtering functionality."""

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# Source.Python Imports
#   Entities
from entities import EntityGenerator
from entities.helpers import index_from_edict
#   Filters
from filters.iterator import _IterObject
#   Weapons
from weapons.default import NoWeaponManager
from weapons.manager import weapon_manager

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__all__ = ('WeaponClassIter',

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[docs]class WeaponIter(_IterObject): """Weapon iterate class.""" @staticmethod
[docs] def iterator(): """Iterate over all :class:`weapons.entity.Weapon` objects.""" # Import the Weapon class. # This is done here to avoid circular imports from weapons.entity import Weapon # Loop through all entities on the server for edict in EntityGenerator(): # Is the entity a weapon? if edict.classname in weapon_manager: # Yield the Weapon instance for the current edict yield Weapon(index_from_edict(edict))
[docs]class WeaponClassIter(_IterObject): """Weapon tag iterate class.""" @staticmethod
[docs] def iterator(): """Iterate over all :class:`weapons.instance.WeaponClass` objects.""" # Loop through all weapons for the current game for weapon in weapon_manager: # Yield the weapon yield weapon_manager[weapon]
# ============================================================================= # >> WEAPON TAG CLASSES # ============================================================================= class _WeaponTags(dict): """Class used to store weapon tags for the current game.""" def __missing__(self, item): """Called when a new item is added to the dictionary.""" # Get the _Tag instance for the current item instance = self[item] = _Tag(item) # Return the instance return instance # Get the _WeaponTags instance _weapon_tags = _WeaponTags() class _Tag(object): """Class used to store a tag and compare to a given weapon.""" def __init__(self, tag): """Store the tag for future use.""" self.tag = tag def _tag_exists_for_weapon(self, weapon): """Return whether the weapon contains the tag.""" return self.tag in weapon_manager[weapon.classname].tags def _tag_exists_for_weapon_class(self, weapon): """Return whether the given weapon contains the tag.""" return self.tag in weapon.tags # ============================================================================= # >> FILTER REGISTRATION # ============================================================================= # Is the game supported? if not isinstance(weapon_manager, NoWeaponManager): # Loop through all tags for the current game for _tag in weapon_manager.tags: # Get the _weapon_tags instance for the current tag _instance = _weapon_tags[_tag] # Register the tag's filter for WeaponIter WeaponIter.register_filter( _tag, _instance._tag_exists_for_weapon) # Register the tag's filter for WeaponClassIter WeaponClassIter.register_filter( _tag, _instance._tag_exists_for_weapon_class)