Source code for events.resource

# ../events/

"""Provides a way to create resource (.res) files using custom events."""

# =============================================================================
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# Python Imports
#   Collections
from collections import OrderedDict

# Source.Python Imports
#   Events
from events import events_logger
from events.custom import CustomEvent
from events.manager import game_event_manager
#   Paths
from paths import EVENT_PATH

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__all__ = ('ResourceFile',

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# Get the logger
events_resource_logger = events_logger.resource

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[docs]class ResourceFile(OrderedDict): """Class used to write and load custom event .res files."""
[docs] def __init__(self, filepath, *events): """Called on instatiation.""" # Create the OrderedDict instance super().__init__() # Does the given path end with the extension? if filepath.endswith('.res'): # Remove the extension filepath = filepath[:~3] # Store the filepath self._filepath = filepath # Loop through all given events for event in events: # Is the given class not a CustomEvent class? if not issubclass(event, CustomEvent): # Clear the dictionary self.clear() # Raise an error raise TypeError( 'Event classes must be sub-classes of CustomEvent') # Store the event with its variables in the dictionary self[event.__name__.lower()] = event
@property def filepath(self): """Return the path to the .res file.""" return self._filepath @property def fullpath(self): """Return the full path of the .res file.""" return EVENT_PATH / self.filepath + '.res'
[docs] def write(self): """Write the .res file to disk.""" # Does the director for the .res file exist? if not self.fullpath.parent.isdir(): # Create the directory self.fullpath.parent.makedirs() # Open the .res file to write to it with'w') as open_file: # Write the .res file's name open_file.write('"{0}"\n'.format(self.filepath)) # Create a group of events for the file open_file.write('{\n') # Loop through all events for event in self: # Write the event open_file.write(' "{0}"\n'.format(event)) # Create a group of variables for the event open_file.write(' {\n') # Loop through the event's variables for variable in self[event]._odict: # Get the variable's instance instance = self[event]._odict[variable] # Get the variable's comment comment = '\t// {0}'.format( instance._comment) if instance._comment else '' # Write the variable with its type and comment open_file.write(' "{0}"\t"{1}"{2}\n'.format( variable,, comment)) # End the group of variables open_file.write(' }\n') # End the group of events open_file.write('}\n')
[docs] def load_events(self): """Load events from the .res file.""" game_event_manager.load_events_from_file(self.fullpath)