Source code for events.manager

# ../events/

"""Provides event registration functionality."""

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Source.Python Imports
#   Events
from events.listener import _EventListener
#   Loggers
from loggers import _sp_logger

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Source.Python Imports
#   Events
from _events import game_event_manager

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
__all__ = ('_EventManager',

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# Get the logger
events_manager_logger =

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
class _EventManager(dict):
    """Stores Event names with all registered callbacks."""

    def __missing__(self, event_name):
        """Add an event to the dictionary and registers for it."""
        # Get an _EventListener instance
        listener = self[event_name] = _EventListener(event_name)

        # Add the listener to the game_event_manager
        game_event_manager.add_listener(listener.listener, event_name, True)

        # Return the instance
        return listener

    def register_for_event(self, event_name, callback):
        """Register the callback for the given event.

        :param str event_name: The name of the event to register.
        :param callback: The function to be called when the
            event is fired on the server.

        .. code-block:: python

            from events.manager import event_manager

            def function(game_event):
                # Code...

            event_manager.register_for_event('player_death', function)

        .. seealso:: :doc:`../events` for a list of supported events per game.
        # Is the callback callable?
        if not callable(callback):

            # Raise an error
            raise TypeError(
                "'" + type(callback).__name__ + "' object is not callable.")

        # Add the callback to the event's registered callback list

    def unregister_for_event(self, event_name, callback):
        """Unregister the callback for the given event.

        :param str event_name: The name of the event to unregister.
        :param callback: The function to unregister from the event.

        .. code-block:: python

            from events.manager import event_manager

            def function(game_event):
                # Code...

            event_manager.unregister_for_event('player_death', function)
        # Is the event registered?
        if event_name not in self:

            # Raise an error
            raise ValueError(
                'Event "{0}" is not registered'.format(event_name))

        # Remove the callback from the event's list

        # Are there any callbacks remaining for the event?
        if not self[event_name]:

            # Remove the listener from the game_event_manager

            # Remove the event from the dictionary
            del self[event_name]

# The singleton object of the :class:`_EventManager` class
event_manager = _EventManager()