Source code for cvars.public

# ../cvars/

"""Provides a class that automatically sets the notify flag on load/unload."""

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# Source.Python Imports
#   Core
from core import AutoUnload
#   Cvars
from cvars import ConVar

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__all__ = ('PublicConVar',

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[docs]class PublicConVar(ConVar): """Class used to set the notify flag on load/unload."""
[docs] def __init__( self, name, value='0', description='', flags=0, min_value=None, max_value=None): """Set the cvar's value and set the notify flag. :param str name: Name of the console variable. :param object default: A default value for the console variable. It will be converted to a string. :param str/TranslationStrings description: A description of the console variable. :param ConVarFlags flags: Flags that should be used for the console variable. :param float min_value: Minimum value. :param float max_value: Maximum value. """ super().__init__( name, value, description, flags, min_value, max_value) self.set_string(value) self.make_public()
def _unload_instance(self): """Remove the notify flag.""" self.remove_public()