Source code for config.manager

# ../config/

"""Provides a way to create and execute configuration files."""

# =============================================================================
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# Python Imports
#   Collections
from collections import defaultdict
#   TextWrap
from textwrap import TextWrapper

# Source.Python Imports
#   Config
from config.cvar import _CvarManager
from config.section import _SectionManager
from config.command import _CommandManager
#   Cvars
from cvars import ConVar
#   Engines
from engines.server import queue_command_string
#   Hooks
from hooks.exceptions import except_hooks
#   Paths
from paths import CFG_PATH
#   Translations
from translations.strings import LangStrings
from translations.strings import TranslationStrings

# =============================================================================
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__all__ = ('ConfigManager',

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# Get the config language strings
_config_strings = LangStrings('_core/config_strings')

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[docs]class ConfigManager(object): """Config Management class used to create a config file."""
[docs] def __init__( self, filepath, cvar_prefix='', indention=3, max_line_length=79, encoding='utf-8'): """Initialized the configuration manager. :param str filepath: Location where the configuration should be stored. The extension ``.cfg`` can be skipped. It will be added automatically. :param str cvar_prefix: A prefix that should be added to every console variable. :param int indention: Number of spaces used to indent values within the configuration file. :param int max_line_length: Maximum line length within the configuration file. """ # Does the filepath contain the extension? if filepath.endswith('.cfg'): # Remove the extension from the filepath filepath = filepath[:~3] # Store the primary attributes self._filepath = filepath self._cvar_prefix = cvar_prefix self._indention = indention self._max_line_length = max_line_length self._encoding = encoding # Store the header and separator self.header = '' self.separator = '#' # Store the section types self._cvars = set() self._commands = set() # Store the section list self._sections = list()
def __enter__(self): """Used when using "with" context management to create the file.""" return self @property def filepath(self): """Return the file path for the config file. The path does not include the ``.cfg`` file extension. :rtype: str """ return self._filepath @property def cvar_prefix(self): """Return the convar prefix for the config file. :rtype: str """ return self._cvar_prefix @property def indention(self): """Return the indention value for the config file. :rtype: int """ return self._indention @property def max_line_length(self): """Return the max line length for the config file. :rtype: int """ return self._max_line_length @property def fullpath(self): """Return the full path to the configuration file. The path include the ``.cfg`` file extension. :rtype: path.Path """ return CFG_PATH / self.filepath + '.cfg'
[docs] def cvar( self, name, default=0, description='', flags=0, min_value=None, max_value=None): """Add/return a cvar instance to add to the config file. :param str name: Name of the console variable. :param object default: A default value for the console variable. It will be converted to a string. :param str/TranslationStrings description: A description of the console variable. :param ConVarFlags flags: Flags that should be used for the console variable. :param float min_value: Minimum value. :param float max_value: Maximum value. :rtype: _CvarManager """ # Add the stored prefix to the given name... name = self.cvar_prefix + name # Get the _CvarManager instance for the given arguments section = _CvarManager( name, default, description, flags, min_value, max_value) # Add the cvar to the list of cvars self._cvars.add(name) # Add the _CvarManager instance to the list of sections self._sections.append(section) # Return the _CvarManager instance return section
[docs] def section(self, name, separator='#'): """Add/return a section instance to add to the config file. :param str/TranslationStrings name: Name of the section to add. :param str separator: A single separator character to use to separate the section. :rtype: _SectionManager """ # Get the _SectionManager instance for the given arguments section = _SectionManager(name, separator) # Add the _SectionManager instance to the list of sections self._sections.append(section) # Return the _SectionManager instance return section
[docs] def command(self, name, description=''): """Add/return a command instance to add to the config file. :param str name: Name of the command to add. :param str/TranslationString description: Description of the command. :rtype: _CommandManager """ # Get the _CommandManager instance for the given arguments section = _CommandManager(name, description) # Add the command to the list of commands self._commands.add(name) # Add the _CommandManager instance to the list of sections self._sections.append(section) # Return the _CommandManager instance return section
[docs] def text(self, text): """Add text to the config file. :param str/TranslationStrings text: The text to add. """ # Is the given text a TranslationStrings instance? if isinstance(text, TranslationStrings): # Get the proper language string text = text.get_string() # Add the text self._sections.append(text)
def __exit__(self, exctype, value, trace_back): """Used when exiting "with" context management to create file.""" # Was an exception raised? if trace_back: # Print the exception except_hooks.print_exception(exctype, value, trace_back) # Return return False # Write the file self.write() # Execute the file self.execute() # Return return True
[docs] def write(self): """Write the config file.""" # Get any old values from the existing file _old_config = self._parse_old_file() # Is the indention too small? if self.indention < 3: # Set the indention to the lowest amount self._indention = 3 # Do all directories to the file exist? if not self.fullpath.parent.isdir(): # Create the directories self.fullpath.parent.makedirs() # Open/close the file to write to it with'w', encoding=self._encoding) as open_file: # Get the number of spaces to indent after // spaces = ' ' * (self.indention - 2) # Is there a header for the file? if self.header: self._write_header(open_file, spaces) # Loop through all sections in the file for section in self._sections: # Is the current section a cvar? if isinstance(section, _CvarManager): self._write_cvar_section( open_file, section, _old_config, spaces) # Is the current section a Section? elif isinstance(section, _SectionManager): self._write_section(open_file, section, spaces) # Is the current section a Command? elif isinstance(section, _CommandManager): self._write_command_section( open_file, section, _old_config) # Is the current section a blank line? elif not section: # Create a blank line open_file.write('\n') # Is the current section just text? else: # Loop through the current line to get valid # lines with length less than the max line length for line in self._get_lines(section): # Write the current line open_file.write(line + '\n') # Are there any more values not used from the old config file? if _old_config: # Add a blank line open_file.write('\n') # Loop through the items in the old config for name in sorted(_old_config): # Loop through each line for the current item for line in _old_config[name]: # Write the line to the config file open_file.write('// {0}\n'.format(line))
[docs] def execute(self): """Execute the config file.""" # Does the file exist? if not self.fullpath.isfile(): raise FileNotFoundError( 'Cannot execute file "{0}", file not found'.format( self.fullpath)) # Open/close the file with as open_file: # Loop through all lines in the file for line in open_file.readlines(): # Strip the line line = line.strip() # Is the line a command or cvar? if line.startswith('//') or not line: continue # Get the command's or cvar's name name = line.split(' ', 1)[0] # Is the command/cvar valid if name not in self._commands | self._cvars: continue # Does the command/cvar have any value/arguments? if not line.count(' '): continue # Is this a command? if name in self._commands: # Execute the line queue_command_string(line) # Is this a cvar else: # Get the cvar's value value = line.split(' ', 1)[1] # Do quotes need removed? if value.startswith('"') and line.count('"') >= 2: # Remove the quotes value = value.split('"')[1] # Set the cvar's value ConVar(name).set_string(value)
def _parse_old_file(self): """Parse the old config file to get any values already set.""" # Get a defaultdict instance to store a list of lines _old_config = defaultdict(list) # Does the file exist? if not self.fullpath.isfile(): # If not, simply return the empty dictionary return _old_config # Open/close the file with as open_file: # Get all lines from the file _all_lines = [line.strip() for line in open_file.readlines()] # Loop through each line in the old config for line in _all_lines: # Is the line a command or cvar? if line.startswith('//') or not line: # If not, continue to the next line continue # Get the command's or cvar's name name = line.split(' ', 1)[0] # Is the command/cvar valid, but have to value/arguments? if name in self._commands | self._cvars and not line.count(' '): # If not, continue to the next line continue # Make sure the line has the proper number of quotes line += '"' if line.count('"') % 2 else '' # Add the line to the old config _old_config[name].append(line) # Return the dictionary return _old_config def _write_header(self, open_file, spaces): """Write the config's header.""" # Get the length of the header's separator length = len(self.separator) # Get the number of times to repeat the separator times, remainder = divmod( self.max_line_length - (2 * self.indention), length) # Get the string separator value separator = ( '//' + spaces + self.separator * times + self.separator[:remainder] + spaces + '//\n') # Write the separator open_file.write(separator) # Is the header a TranslationStrings instance? if isinstance(self.header, TranslationStrings): # Get the proper text for the header self.header = self.header.get_string() # Loop through each line in the header for lines in self.header.splitlines(): # Loop through the current line to get valid # lines with length less than the max line length for line in self._get_lines(lines): # Strip the // and new line characters from the line line = line.lstrip('/ ').replace('\n', '') # Write the current line open_file.write('//{0}//\n'.format( - 4))) # Write the separator to end the header open_file.write(separator) def _write_cvar_section(self, open_file, section, _old_config, spaces): """Write the Cvar section to the config file.""" # Has any text been added to the file? if open_file.tell(): # If so, add a blank line prior to section open_file.write('\n') # Loop through all lines in the section for lines, indent in section: # Loop through the current line to get valid # lines with length less than the max line length for line in self._get_lines(lines, indent): # Write the current line open_file.write(line + '\n') # Does the default value need written? if section.show_default: # Write the cvar's default value default = ' "{0}"\n' if isinstance( section.default, str) else ' {0}\n' open_file.write( '//' + spaces + _config_strings['Default'].get_string() + default.format(section.default)) # Loop through the description to get valid # lines with length less than the max line length for line in self._get_lines(section.description): # Write the current line open_file.write(line + '\n') # Does the cvar exist in the old config file? if in _old_config: # Write the old config file's value open_file.write( ' ' * self.indention + _old_config[][0] + '\n\n') # Remove the cvar from the old config file dictionary del _old_config[] # Does the cvar not exist in the old config file # and the value is a float or integer? elif isinstance(section.default, (float, int)): # Write the cvar line using the default value open_file.write( ' ' * self.indention + + ' {0}\n\n'.format(section.default)) # Does the cvar not exist in the old config file # And the value is not a float or integer? else: # Write the cvar line using the default # value with quotes around the value open_file.write( ' ' * self.indention + + ' "{0}"\n\n'.format(section.default)) def _write_section(self, open_file, section, spaces): """Write the section to the config file.""" # Has any text been added to the file? if open_file.tell(): # If so, add a blank line prior to section open_file.write('\n') # Get the length of the section's separator length = len(section.separator) # Get the number of times to repeat the separator times, remainder = divmod( self.max_line_length - (2 * self.indention), length) # Get the string separator value separator = ( '//' + spaces + section.separator * times + section.separator[:remainder] + spaces + '//\n') # Write the separator open_file.write(separator) # Loop through each line in the section for lines in # Loop through the current line to get valid # lines with length less than the max line length for line in self._get_lines(lines): # Strip the // from the line and remove newline line = line.lstrip('/ ').replace('\n', '') # Write the current line open_file.write('//{0}//\n'.format( - 4))) # Write the separator to end the section open_file.write(separator) def _write_command_section(self, open_file, section, _old_config): """Write the Command section to the config file.""" # Has any text been added to the file? if open_file.tell(): # If so, add a blank line prior to section open_file.write('\n') # Does the command have a description? if section.description: # Loop through description to get valid lines # with length less than the max line length for line in self._get_lines(section.description): # Write the current line open_file.write(line + '\n') # Does the command exist in the old config file? if in _old_config: # Loop through each line in the # old config for the command for line in _old_config[]: # Write the line to the file open_file.write(line + '\n') # Remove the command from the old config del _old_config[] def _get_lines(self, lines, indention=0): """Yield a list of lines less than the file's max line length.""" return TextWrapper( self.max_line_length, '//' + ' ' * (self.indention - 2), '//' + ' ' * ( self.indention if indention < 3 else indention - 2)).wrap(lines)